List of Glitches
7 years ago

Post whatever glitches you find in this thread, as this game has tons to offer.

No-BBALL: -By jumping up on the rocks and on top of the basketball hoop, you can jump straight out of the basketball area, saving a few seconds in the process.

Dialogue Skips: -It's possible to skip every piece of otherwise mandatory dialogue in the game just by jumping around the triggers. Not all of them are beneficial, or are only beneficial if done perfectly.

Diagonal Movement: -Sprinting diagonally is significantly faster than sprinting forward. This can let you reach some areas quicker than intended.

Jumping Up Walls: -You can jump up certain specific angles of walls that would normally be too steep. It merely depends on the angle being just right and you'll be able to jump up it.

Softlocks: -You can almost immediately softlock the game right after you exit the cave by quickly moving backwards right as the next map loads. A loading overlay will get stuck on the screen and you won't be able to enter a new map, softlocking the game.

Out of Bounds: -It's possible to get out of bounds on a few of the maps, but it doesn't seem to have much use as it takes too much time to get out of bounds, and the game doesn't seem to have any mechanism to respawn you once you go out of bounds.

Tandashi 喜欢这个

Vulcano Softlock: It is possible to softlock in vulcano if you go to far to the left. (You will not get boosted upwards)

Maw Interior Softlock: It is possible to get a softlock in Maw Interior if you didn't properly hit the loading trigger. This will cause the game to shut the stone door again and you are unable to move.

Beach Temple -> Statue -> Beach Temple (No Name for it): If you go from Beach Temple to the Statue Area and than back to the Beach Temple you will get warped back to the entrance of the Cave instead of the actual place where you go to the Statue Area.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
Ipquarx 喜欢这个

I've encountered those softlocks myself, unfortunately.

There's another totally useless glitch in the volcano where you can get out of the volcano and fall... sort of out of bounds. It's still technically inbounds and if you travel far enough the lava will kill you and you'll return to before you entered the volcano. The warp glitch has the most potential for speedrunning if we can figure out how it works, and the skip in your latest run to skip circling around the center pillar will be quite useful for getting sub 4.

Tandashi 喜欢这个

I totally agree with you on the warp glitch. Yeah in my run the Maw Interior route I used should be useful as well. It saves you ~5-7 seconds if you're fast.


There are dialogue softlocks, which can possibly happen everytime there is a dialogue. I don't know how they can happen, but here are 2 examples from different levels, first one is at the first river right after the cave, second one is after the 2nd energy.


Collision Glitches: Sometimes, for whatever reasons one is able to clip through object like they don't have collision. This happened to me in my 3:20.484 run, where i clipped through a stone which could have saved a whole second.

发布于 6 years ago
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发布于 6 years ago
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