发布于 2 years ago

Greetings everyone! There is now a category extensions for The Man from the Window. All Misc. categories will be going there. However All Categories% will stay but Misc. now just is all categories including the Category Extensions. Thank you for running the game and have a outstanding well day. Also I made a big mistake and accidently deleted Sprintless which I was intending to keep and I don't remember most of the runs, neat. So if I could get some help with it that would be great. Help as in help finding the missing runs.

发布于 2 years ago

Controllers will be banned unless it is a blindfolded run which you must boot the game up from steam during the recording. The reason is because it is very slow and can bring a disadvantage to the leaderboard. The reason as into why blindfolded still gets it is because you can't move straight while moving with a mouse. Only with a controller you can do a straight line with the camera. Thank you runners for speedrunning The Man from the Window and have a nice rest of your day.

发布于 2 years ago

The title explains it. The reason as into removing it as a necessity from All Categories% runs is due to the fact that it is so boring and it sucks. So now you can have fun with speedrunning All Categories% folks.

发布于 2 years ago

So the opening cutscene counts as game time but the cutscene at the end doesn't count. This is a head's up for new runners. This means that in Long Run% you must hit Yes instead of hitting x to skip the opening cutscene.

发布于 2 years ago

So as most of us know there was a new category called Sprintless created and for some weird reason is one of the most submitted to categories on the board. I don't know why but it is. Anyways I'm getting off topic here. To differentiate Any% and Sprintless a new rule will be put down to force runs to sprint in Any% but not for Sprintless. If you do not know how to sprint in The Man from the Window you hold Left Shift and W to sprint/run in The Man from the Window. That is all and thank you runners for running the game.

发布于 2 years ago

hi everyone, I added new categories to the leaderboards. I added Blindfolded & Chair%. If you want to learn more about them go look at the rules.

Sprintless Error and Category Extentions

Greetings everyone! There is now a category extensions for The Man from the Window. All Misc. categories will be going there. However All Categories% will stay but Misc. now just is all categories including the Category Extensions. Thank you for running the game and have a outstanding well day. Also

2 years ago