30 fps vs 60fps
2 years ago

Maybe it's a stupid question, but does fps affect game speed somehow?

Pennsylvania, USA

No 60 and 30 are basically the same the only thing that is different is being able to do glitches.


There is major differences in speed between 30(PS4) to 60(PS5) not just in speed but better inputs respond as well which is necessary is in this kind of game when it comes to speedrun. u want the best performances. u can do glitchess on 30 or 60 (comment above ? WutFace) there is few encounter's in the game u want to switch to 30 to get a collateral on the enemies. In summary.. If u going for a WR attempts and u do the same strategies as your competitors who run it on 60, and u run it on30 and let's say it all been done the same way, u will be still slower in time in comparisons. You can check it by yourself if u have any online game on PC 1 player with 30 and the other one with 60 and both running on a straight line, you'll see how much ahead the 60 player will be.

编辑者 作者 10 months ago
Pennsylvania, USA

The game literally runs the same if 60 WAS faster than 30 they would be on separate leaderboards and yes FPS switching is a thing only for PS5 to get 2 for 1 kills other than that the game runs the exact same


Doom eternal and other games being combined with PC and consoles on the same leaderboards / categories. do u think the game runs the same on console in comparisons to PC ? (go check times) there is literally no context to what u saying. Why it's not being separated while it's clear as the sky PC has better performances than console ? - Answer is no one who in charge of the page bothers or want to do their job. some others does some less. No offense, but u have massive lack of knowledge about FPS how does it work. There is no doubt or argument here. we talking about PS5 here versus PS4 which is 7 years differences in technology. I would suggested u to do homework about technology or just FPS and how it's effects games performances.

编辑者 作者 2 years ago

Easy! Let's just measure it. I have PS4, and the only option for me 30FPS. We need one more person who are ready to do it on PS5 and record. The same strategy, the same movements, the same segment. It will answer all questions

Pennsylvania, USA

We don't need to do that LMAO. They run the exact same on both PS4 and PS5 it doesn't matter how old the PS4 is the game runs the same. Part II was made for the PS4 it's going to run the same whether it's 60 FPS or 30 FPS. We know this because guess what we actually tested this when the PS5 got 60 FPS and guess what running the game only in 60 FPS is SLOWER you can't get a few things that PS4 runners get. It's harder to get the intro cutscene skip for Ellie% and getting 2 for 1 kills with the HR is impossible when playing on 60. You would know this if you were in the Discord server. FPS switching was banned because the timer was messed causing 60 FPS runs to be faster so for a bit runners couldn't play the game in 60 eventually we figured out a number that would fix the time since then the game has been patched so the time is now right and FPS swtiching is allowed. Next time you comment something stupid learn all the facts and ask around instead of assuming we are all fucking idiots who don't care about the game. IF SOMETHING IS ALLOWED OR BANNED IT'S BECAUSE WE TESTED IT!

Pennsylvania, USA

Also if you look at the main leaderboard most of the WRs are held by PS4 players LMAO


Easy! Okay, no means no =)


all of the WR's on Grounded WAS HELD* by PS4 holders. there is benefits on 30 and 60 both whether is RNG wise on 30 or collateral, some encounter's works more consistent onPS5 and on PS4 not. The only cons I can see for PS5 holders is the switching FPS part during a run.. the rest of it are benefits time and better gameplay experience for 60. it's not like u doing this every other minute.. so it's not much of cons IMO. I don't know what kind of 'test' u was doing there.. but guess what ? best horse ride u can get on 60 on permadeath is 1.53, and on 30 1.54. regardless to this example.. there is in between 0.5,1-2 seconds time benefit on most of the encounter's on 60 compared to 30. and it's speedrun here right ? every second counts. and why would u know that ? bc u haven't done any serious test according to "We don't need to do that LMAO" so anything that u saying about this topic here is invalid. In competitive tournaments at the high level all the competitors holding the same PC specs and monitor for a reason. It's not like expensive equipment will make a great player.. it's more about practice and experience. the other stuffs is just an extra. I never assumed stuffs here.. I've did my homework before and u didn't. Peace

Pennsylvania, USA

Ellie% NG Restricted and Unrestricted, and NG+ Unrestricted, Abby% NG and NG+ Unrestricted, and both of the no intro grounded WRs are held by PS4 runners. If you are doing Glitchless there is LITERALLY NOTHING faster on PS5 unlike Any% and AC (The 2 categories nobody plays) If you know that the 60 FPS players know about I'm all ears LMAO


Then on this matter u just mentioned.. probably those ps4 runners just doing things better. could be better/optimized strategies. great RNG's. good movement and ETC. because if that's the case.. even 100FPS can't help on this matter. and I've tried to explain it already.. from what notice so far, I'm not sure if there is any logical capacity.


And here is a great example according to your logical. "Part II was made for the PS4 it's going to run the same whether it's 60 FPS or 30" Guess what ??? GTA v was made for PS3 and later on for any platform. Yes it's going to run the exact same on any platform as PS3... I'm done here.

编辑者 作者 2 years ago

I actually agree with Sheer here, im running on ps4 abby%, i just finished a run and had 2nd place, but i got the feeling like that should have been world record. Im almost sure there is some kind of disadvantage, i was 1 min off by forest restaurant and the run hadnt been so off. Anyway, i hope im wrong so i can still compete with ps5

SheerNemesis 喜欢这个

I don't know much about Abby% speedrun route and how much time save is there from the WR..? but let's say the current record is reasonably good run and no optimized strategies since then.. you'll be struggle. the fair solution for PS4 holders is just to make a separate board from PS5. Also I would suggest u to rewatch your run and the WR run see what u can find and making a comparisons.