3 years ago

Hello, can you add the category filters "2 players; 3 players; 4 players; 5 players"? And from 1 to 8 for the raids? I am moderator of the New World page, I send you the link of an individual level, which looks like a mission in the division, with variable difficulty and number of players that could be used for the mission and raid of TD2.

The number of players influence the missions, so it would be fairer to make a separation. This would also give us new runs to make. Link of an individual level New World:

The mutations correspond to a difficulty.

Thanks for your feedback.

BioBrain, mic_L04, rascar_kappac 喜欢这个
Bavaria, Germany

in my opinion we already have a lot of Categories for one mission there are 5 (difficulty) * 2 Solo / Group -> 10 records. splitting this up into 2, 3, 4 will make a phantastic 5 * 5 -> 25(!!) Worldrecords per mission.

In my eye, the split from solo vs group is already not worth it and just made the leaderboard unreadable for new players. It`s also an part of the mission speedrun to check what the fastest way is, some are faster in solo (way less adds) and sometimes playing in group is faster (more possible skip but also a lot more adds). In the current way (only showing solo/group of the normal run) the leaderboard is no longer usefull / readable. better readable would be an switch of difficulty/groupsize. So you have an level in all difficulties on the main leaderboard and the when goining to the level you can switch between groupsize (like it is currently with the difficulty)

but this is only my view of this topic :)

I`m open for discussion and new ideas, but as an speedrunner the current leaderboard is confusing (especially for potential new speedrunners). I liked the old leaderboard much more

smudja 喜欢这个

Fixed correct filtering of difficulties Fixed the listing on time to ignore difficulty when listing on main page Adding "Agent Value" ain't gonna happen since some missions goes faster with 3 players, some with 2

Why have that separated in the first place when you aim for speed? Fastest Solo & Fastest Group is what's relevant in question.

Sjkaev 喜欢这个

The main page of the individual levels, automatically sorts the best time all together "1 player; 2 players; 3 players; 4 players". The interest is not to know what is the fastest, but to know who is the fastest in the category "solo, duo, trio or squad". Just because you don't see the point, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. Moreover it doesn't cost anything. I understand that it may take you some time, but adding variables is easily done.

As said before it will not prevent you from knowing what is best in time because the main page automatically sorts as it was before.


Its sorts Solos vs Group just like ingame. You can already see who's the fastest per category.

And it costs alot, alot of time, for something that aint gonna make any diff more then splittring Up Group runs in subgroup runs ontop of that you would subgroup their difficulties

For example Duo Story/Normal/Hard/Etc Trio Story/Normal/Hard/Etc Quad Story/Normal/Hard/Etc


Could you give a full example of how you've thought to have it setup. From Main page to result video.


A couple of problems with new times organization:

When we open the initial Division 2 page, it shows the fastest time from any difficulty but that's not specified anywhere, there is no title at all. Also, it makes no sense to compare various difficulties together. Can we have the difficulty tabs there for all the difficulties (like we have solo and group tabs on single level times)?

Also, now we can't see all the individual level list for any difficulty, i. e. hard or heroic. That was possible earlier.

The player profile page is so unintuitive. If a player has times for more than one difficulty, no one can have any idea what multiple icons and times in one cell represent.

The solution for all the problems above is to have the main table same as the current one (solo and group times) but in addition, we will have the tabs above that with all the difficulties (story, normal, hard, challenging, heroic, legendary). The profile page can be solved in the exactly same manner.

Different difficulty times should never appear in the same table together.

xEXOGEEKx 喜欢这个

What Structure would you guys prefeer to see then?

IV Categories as Solo Duo Trio Quad Then SubCategory per Difficulty


Story Normal Hard Challenging Legendary Then SubCategories per Amount?

Or if you got another idea, hmu.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago
Bavaria, Germany

In my opinion subcategory for amount (Solo / Group) and seeing the difficulty on the mainPage again would be a lot better

Oelim, smudja, xEXOGEEKx 喜欢这个

The issues with using subcategories is that then it's also preset as a set value on the frontpage

For example if we would use difficulties as subcategories Then specific amount of players would be a preset & on the frontpage you would only see runs done in Duo for example.

Or only see runs per category of Players And the only runs on the frontpage would be per setDifficulty.


Please put the number of players as a filter and I don't mean subcategory! Will you do it?

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

FilterVariable by Players added.

Future submits has to contain a matching amount of players corresponding to the amount of players in the group.

Previous runs won't be affected by this filter.

编辑者 作者 3 years ago

Thank you for adding the filter. I have re-edited my run so that the number of players is taken into account.

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

Adding Hardcore Category ?