100% Skips/Upgrades (In depth guide) WIP
100% Skips/Upgrades (In depth guide) WIP
更新时间 5 years ago PeterJordanson

1. Foreword You want to beat the entire game as fast as humanly possible? Well look no further than 100% Skips/Upgrades. The goal of this category is to finish all 25 tracks in first place, starting from a new save file. This guide will cover the different routes you can take, their positives and their negatives.

2. Prerequisites It is recommended to do this run on either 48 or 60 fps because of the skips. If you go lower than 48 fps you might have trouble getting some of the skips to work, same thing goes for if you go above 60 fps.

Pod Racers: Ebe Endocott, Aldar Beedo, Mars Guo, Anakin Skywalker, Bullseye Navior, Wan Sandage, Ben Quadinaros. If you haven't already you should get familiar with all of them before you attempt to run this category.

Skips used in this run: Dug Derby, Zugga Challenge, Bumpy's Breakers, Executioner, Sebulba's Legacy, Boonta Classic, Ando Prime Centrum, Abyss, Gauntlet, Inferno I will link a in depth skip tutorial in the future, for now watch this: Later in this guide there will also be a section going into detail about some of the skips

3. Junkyard and Upgrades First of all, read this: https://www.speedrun.com/swe1r/guide/498gh Why use the junkyard to get upgrades? By using the junkyard we can get high level parts in the early game, which wouldn't be unlocked in the normal shop until you win a certain amount of races. Getting the best parts as early as you can is essential for the fastest possible times in upgrade categories in general. You always want to prioritize Top Speed first, followed by Cooling, Turning and Acceleration. Top Speed and Cooling have by far the biggest impact, Turning and Acceleration are not as important and can be bought in Wattos shop alternatively. For every UPGRADED part you have beyond the first you need to buy 1 Pit Droid!!

Note that the time you will get certain upgrades always varies. If you get lucky with the RNG you might have a lot more money than you are used to earlier in the run and can therefore buy upgrades earlier sometimes.

Top Speed caps for popular pods: Ebe Endocott: Block 5 Elan Mak: Block 6 (Block5 nearly maxes out at 640) Bullseye Navior: Block 6 (Block5 nearly maxes out at 640) Aldar Beedo: Block 5 (Plug8 nearly maxes out at 637) Mars Guo: Plug8 Boles Roor: Plug5 Ben Quadinaros: Plug5

This means that by using the Advanced 100% route (Rush Beedo-Rush Mars), you can get away with just buying a plug8 (or better) in the junkyard early.

Optimal Junkyard route: -Get Plug 3 before starting Race 1 -Get Plug 5 before starting Race 2 -Get Plug 8 or better before starting Race 3 -Get Dual/Turbo Cooling before starting Race 4 (If you got lucky you have enough money here to buy Accel and Turning from the shop was well) -If you didn't get Accel and Turning get it before starting Race 5 -Visit Watto's Shop after Race 12 and 16 to upgrade your non maxed parts.

Conservative Junkyard Route: -Get Plug 3/5 after Race 1 -Get Plug 5 after Race 2 if you went for Plug3 after Race 1 -Get Plug 8 or better after Race 3 -Get Cooling after Race 4 -Get Turning and Accel after Race 5 if you haven't yet (You can get these 2 parts from Watto's shop if you don't want to gamble in the junkyard again) -Visit Watto's Shop after Race 12 and 16 to upgrade your non maxed parts.

In case you use the Advanced 100% route (which basically starts with an AMC run) you should check out this guide going into detail about optimal junkyarding: https://www.speedrun.com/swe1r/guide/al5i

4. Routes On Grabvine Gateway and Fire Mountain Rally you always use Bullseye. It is optimal to do Inferno first in the Invitational Circuit to unlock Ben, that way you can complete Ando Prime Centrum and the Gauntlet with Ben (altho beware this adds quite a bit of risk especially on Gauntlet). This is also the reason why it is completed last (Inferno unlocks after you get 1st on all 21 base tracks)

  1. Bullseye Route (Beginner) This is basically the legacy 100% route that aims to unlock Bullseye asap and complete the majority of tracks with him. Sunken City > Complete SPC > Complete AMC > Complete GC > Complete Invitationals In this route you can basically stick to Bullseye for the entire run apart from Executioner, Boonta Classic, Abyss, Gauntlet and Inferno Skips (For these you want to use Mars [Anakin for Bumpy's]) Use this route if you are new to the category and/or are still learning the skips

  2. Bullseye-Mars Route (Intermediate) Similiar to the Bullseye only route you start on Sunken City to unlock Bullseye, however after that you complete AMC to unlock Mars Guo and switch to him for the rest of the run. Sunken City > Complete AMC > Complete SPC > Complete GC > Complete Invitationals This route is slightly faster but also slightly harder to do. You can switch to Bullseye on any track you are not comfortable on with Mars but it will lose some time

  3. Beedo-Mars Route (Advanced) Currently the fastest viable route, but also very difficult. This time we ignore Bullseye and straight up rush Mars Guo by completing AMC. After beating Beedo's Wild Ride, switch to Aldar Beedo for the rest of AMC Beat AMC 1-3 > Switch to Beedo > Complete AMC > Switch to Mars > Complete SPC > Complete GC > Complete Invitational Be aware that the early game can get extremly difficult on Aldar Beedo. If you attempt this route consider buying Traction before Vengeance (sell it after) and if you can't, switch to Clegg Holdfast for only Vengeance. If you use this route you are essentially doing an AMC Upgrades run to start off your 100% run with, so you can double submit ;)

5. Skips