Junkyard price ranges
Junkyard price ranges
更新时间 6 years ago andypanther

This is a list of the known price ranges of parts being offered at the junkyard. You can use these prices for the purpose of routing.

Top Speed Block6: 18000 / 8000 Block5: 15750 / 7000 Plug8: 12600 / 5600 Plug5: 5400 / 2400 Plug3: 2160 / 960

Value of default part: 1000

Cooling Turbo Coolant Pump: 4860 / 2160 Dual Coolant Pump: 2430 / 1080 Rod Coolant Pump: 810 / 360 Stack-6 Radiator: 270 / 120 Stack-3 Radiator: 90 / 40

Value of default part: 50

For more information about the upgrade system itself, check out this guide: https://www.speedrun.com/swe1r/guide/498gh