On some tracks, especially on high framerates there are certain spots on several tracks where your pod seems to blow up for no reason. While this is much more noticeable on high framerates, some of these spots will even kill you on 24 or 30 fps if you don't know how to avoid them. The majority of these deaths can be avoided simply by tilting your pod to either side when driving over the "danger zones"
List of known examples in order of their appereance and how to avoid them
Amateur Circuit
Race 3, Beedo's Wild Ride:
After the Ice field section with the long jump, the first part of the snowy track goes a little bit downhill and will frag your pod if you go over there normally. Tilting your pod will prevent this as long as you don't boost but for the sake of being fast you should start your boost just as the ice field ends and jump over the danger zone by holding nose up.
Ben flying over danger zone
Race 4, Aquilaris Classic:
After the long straight with the moving doors you take a left turn, on the following straight the floor is very uneven so if you plan to boost over that part you should tilt your pod to either side while doing so or you run a high risk of crashing to the uneven terrain.
Ben tilting to boost over the danger zone
Semi-Pro Circuit
Race 2, Howler Gorge
After the hairpin section you approach the mountain jump. If you go down the slope normally you run a high chance of crashing at the last third of the slope due to uneven terrain, this happens 100% of the time if you boost over there.
To avoid it simply tilt your pod to either side while going down the slope.
Bullseye tilting at the danger zone
Race 5, Zugga Challenge
At the end of the lap, just as you approach the area with the big machine, there is a huge downslope in the middle of it. Theres a good chance you can randomly crash at the bottom of that little slope and this is one of the few instances where tilting won't 100% guarantee your safety
Bullseye about to die to the floor bump
Galactic Circuit
Track 1, Executioner
This one has 2 of these spots:
The first one is near the start of the lap where the track splits on the downslope. The precise location of this one is where the terrain changes.
Ebe approaching the terrain change while tilting
The second one is the entrance of the 2nd Oovoo tube, avoided by using a wallride to jump into the tube.
Ebe while preparing the jump with a wallride
Track 2, Sebulba's Legacy
After taking the shortcut through the tunnel theres a left corner followed by a downslope and a slight right turn. This slope has a high chance of killing you if you touch it. Avoided by jumping over it by holding nose up.
Ebe starting to hold nose up to jump over the danger zone
Track 3, Grabvine Gateway
This one is really rare and in my experience only happens on higher speeds. It's located near the end of the lap when you cross the half destroyed bridge. Avoided by tilting.
Ebe about to crash (You can see the engines take the fatal hit in this frame)
Track 4, Andobi Mountain Run Same one as Howler Gorge.
Track 5, Dethro's Revenge
This one is right at the edge of the 2 ramps at the end, avoided by tilting your pod to either side.
Elan tilting just in time to avoid the edge
Track 6, Fire Mountain Rally
Near the start of the track, the edge of the jump. Avoided by tilting.
Ebe tilting cause he loves life
Track 7, The Boonta Eve Classic
Near the start of the track, The edge of the cliff after the service ramp. Avoided by tilting.
Mars really should be tilting his pod right here. Very risky to go over this edge without tilting.
Invitational Circuit No idea, I use skips here