New YT channel
Hi, it's me, Cobalt.
Old runs can be re-uploaded on request, just pm me on discord. I'll eventually stop doing standard max-upgrade IL runs in favor of more unorthodox runs that I may feel like playing (mostly some NU runs). In the meantime I'll do a few more IL runs as I'm trying to get a feel of how some of the newer stuff works in an IL setting.
Also, it would be nice if I could regain ownership of the guides that I left behind. If that is not possible, it's fine as well.
Good to see you! Unfortunately, it seems it is not possible to edit the author of guides, but feel free to repost them under your new account and I can delete the old ones
关卡: Fire Mountain Rally
关卡: Fire Mountain Rally
关卡: The Boonta Classic
关卡: The Boonta Classic
关卡: The Boonta Classic