EXTRA SPEED Category Deleted? Why?
Oregon, USA

Genuinely curious, what is the reason for deleting the Extra Speed category? It's the true any% run of the game. This website is dedicated to beating games as fast as possible. Seems reasonable that we should be able to run the game as fast as the in-game options allow in the pursuit of true any%.

KumaKhan22 喜欢这个
New York, USA

Seems to me like something as big as deleting an entire category should have been put to a vote. We get new mods and all of a sudden big changes are being implemented without majority vote? The board was just fine the way it was, no reason for this.

If people want to run Extra Speed, LET THEM!

编辑者 作者 1 year ago

We have archived the Extra Speed category for now as we are making changes to the SSF2T/X board. we are moving and creating leaderboards for SSF2T as well so moving all the runs to their respective place will take a bit of time so please be patience.

Keep in mind that any% and extra speed are 2 different categories, "true any%" implies that you can change all the in-game settings (in this specific game the difficulty is the only other change possible)

Changes are not done by 1 person but by the mod team, we are on conversations about these changes and what is best for the community.

we are working on the finer details of the SSF2T/X board. will keep you updated. thanks

编辑者 作者 1 year ago
evn7, FelipeNascimento83 1 其他 喜欢这个
New York, USA

Best part about the updated site is the archiving feature. Saved us some hassle when the Popeye board fell into chaos due to miscommunication; fortunately the new site structure made recovery easy.

I always felt like the term "any" percent was almost too loosely defined and here we have a good example of when the term comes into conflict. If you guys need any help with clarifying the verbiage in the rules feel free to reach out to me, always happy to lend a hand.

San José, CA, USA

Can I get my run reinstated? It seems like my Zangief speed run has been erased. They gave me some bogus reason why because the audio capture from my capture card was set to the wrong frequency so the sound of the game was off. It had nothing to do with the game but the capture card.