category and subcategory ideas!
2 years ago

sub categories idea: add arcade since is the original version and we dont have to add it to emulator, misc. categories ideas: Java edition,adding deluxe and classic as sub categories and adding the 2 levels category

bonus:add more consoles like nintendo switch and ps5 and java

New Hampshire, USA

~ If it is not played on a computer (not an arcade machine), then is being played on an emulator. That is why there is an emulator tab.

~ From what I understand Java is a programming language, and having the idea that you can simply program the game yourself and run your version is rather sketchy as it could not be entirely accurate to the original game. Unless there's some other different "Java" out there that you are referring to, I don't think this would be entirely fit for the leaderboard.

~ Since it appears that the game has officially been released on Nintendo Switch & PS5 (after a little research) under the "Arcade Archives" title, I don't think there's any problem adding them as platforms.

I will reach out to others about the Java scenario, as I feel more opinions should be involved here.

New Hampshire, USA

Ahhh, my bad. I wasn't able to do much research beforehand.

I am curious as to other people's views on whether Java should be considered an emulator, or be a whole seperate platform.

I personally think it should be labeled as an emulator since it feels like you're moreso emulating the game compared to the arcade or plug&play, but I am open to other people's opinions.


java version is really different from arcade,it has been ocmpletely redone and it has a poor framerate,here's a video:

anyways,please add Arcade to the subcategories,it is unfair that some runs done on original hardware are being added to emulator


just recall emulator to arcade,there might be runs made in switch or other consoles,since they are the same

New Hampshire, USA

I may have misread the initial post a little bit about adding arcade as a category, my bad.

After seeing more Java footage, I now feel as if it is somewhat of a different version in comparison to emulator runs. I'm okay with it being its own new category.

As far as arcade is concerned, I believe there should be a subcategory for arcade, as not only is it the first (and most "official") release of the game, but also people who may want to try a run on arcade might get confused if they notice that there's no arcade subcategory - what are everyone's thoughts on this?

Also I think emulator being its own subcategory is okay if people like that idea too.

编辑者 作者 2 years ago

maybe mix plug and play and arcade,since they are the same and to not mess up with the leaderboards

New Hampshire, USA

Would everyone be okay with an "arcade" category being re-added in case someone wants to do a run on the original arcade, but keep the emulator category as is?

I also think that since it is considered emulation, Arcade Archives should be submitted under emulator (let me know your thoughts :) ). I also added Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4 since it is playable under the Arcade Archives title on all those platforms.


im ok with switch and ps5 being on emulator,maybe this year ill be running the arcade version


i forgot to say,but super pacman is in pac-man museum+,which is an official release

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