Suikoden true 100%
7 years ago
United States

Hey all, noticed 108 star is labelled as 100% but there's more to a 100% run than that IMO. I'd like to get together as a community and decide what a true 100% run should look like. I have 3 variations proposed. I'd like to do the first one (perhaps with antiques added as well) since that would be the most run-worthy and least grindy, but there are a few other things that could be done. Which one guys:

Options for a 100% category of Suikoden 1

Beat the game with: All 108 stars alive Full Painting Full Library All window/sound settings

(We could also add these extra 5 collections)

All Armors/Accessories All runes All rune pieces All Antiques All items

(And if it's going to be 100%, maybe it should be 100% AF)

All Weapons Fully Upgraded (all characters) All Treasure chests opened All hidden items collected (searched-out items)

What do we think should constitute 100% for Suikoden?

And do we even really know where all the searchable items are? (Like the money in the armor near Kraze in Gregminster)

Anyway, some food for thought. I really hope to get a consensus from the runners here! Thanks

Arizona, USA

Well so far what we think should constitute 100% for Suikoden has always been 108 star. If anyone wanted to run any of those categories I don't see why we couldn't put it up, I just don't really expect it to gain much traction over what we already consider 100% to be.

United States

I'm gonna just eventually do a massive run with all of those things since there's no consensus

发布于 6 years ago
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发布于 6 years ago
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发布于 7 years ago
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