Possible Low% meme catergory?
11 months ago


I have been looking at other speedrun metroidvanias I.E hollow knight and a popular meme category is Low%

for those who are not aware, low% is where you beat the game with the least amount (ie overal percentage) done as possible. Heres the rules

least amount of money possible

only 6 is allowed because it is the only way I know of to get to pressure bomb. If however there is another way that does not include this 6 dollars feel free to educate me, would love this to reignite the spark of this community.

As far as I know, hook shot, jackhammer, pressure bomb and sprint are the only abilities that are required to beat the game, everything else is not required, and therefore not allowed. No cogs, no other money upgrades apart from lamp (if there is no other way)

Every and any non-tas glitch is allowed to make this go as fast as possible/allow this to be possible at all.

again, If this is possible, thanks for helping out the community and me in our journey for steam world dig 2 speedrunning.

If not, thank you for reading thanks again,


Auvergne, France


In my opinion, there is no trouble to create any category, as long as there is a run to demonstrate it :)

There as been some thoughts about a low% before, but we did find it really hard, really long and not that fun to play.

Feel free to finish a run and we'll be happy to add the category.


hey anxest,

thank you for responding so quickly

I will attempt to finish this run.

Thank you for your time,


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