Recording rules and Perfection change
2 years ago
United States

Just a quick little update on rules/requirements for runs.

Smapi isn't allowed when playing - it removes most of the load time between saves. Since the current leaderboard goes on RTA, having a recording of just IGT won't be approved. The load remover in Livesplit (generally) works to do the job of Smapi by pausing the timer on sleep loads.

Any video submitted needs at least 30 fps.

Perfection change - The allotted time with breaks has been changed from 4 irl days to 2 weeks. Also, any run over 40 hours doesn't need to have video. That means if you think your run may be under 40 hours, you should record from the beginning like any regular run.

The allotted 2 weeks still allows for you to continue past that, just keep in mind that you aren't allowed the pause the timer after that.

Megabooy1 喜欢这个
United States

i see that the 'fish bond bullying' has held glitchless legality for more than a year. I'm about to do 3 - 6 runs for WR. I don't want to do that to have the WR revoked if the rule changes. So my point is are the mod/forums/community in agreement with the legality of the move?

United States

As mentioned, I don't see a problem with that method. I would think it would be agreed upon that it's a game mechanic and not a glitch.