Ideas for marriage%
8 years ago

I've been wanting to run this but I feel it will be a hard run, first just theory crafting everything will be quite difficult, but afterwards continuing through without making mistakes. I'm gonna probably make a spreadsheet or something, and work on it, but does anyone know where to start? who is easy to get the best gift for etc.


i think we are just going to find out the easy accessible items that are loved, who is the easiest to access marriageable NPC and work from there, compromises will probably have to me made for this category because getting both might be difficult


I was viewing the wiki and the hospital dude seemed the best, he loves coffee, you can get to him every day from 9:00 am, but coffee u can only get at 12:00.

His birthday is also pretty late into the year, whether that matters or not, im unsure so far.


not a bad idea, Elliot might be easier since most of the fishing things don't require farming for money and he is easy to get to, could start off with likes and them move to attempting lobster im not really sure yet

Georgia, USA

Well you definitely want to give a gift on their birthday sense you get 8x the value. You also gotta think you have to get your house upgraded and you have to buy the pendant for 5k on a rainy day but he doesn't show up in the winter. Also everyday you don't talk with a person you lose points. I'm thinking that Maru (summer birthday, loves cauliflower) might be best but I'm a little busy for a few weeks so I'm not gonna mess around with it tell after.

Hesse, Germany

I think, it would be easier to take Maru or Abigail. Both are easy to find everytime in the Game and both could be "pleased" with stuff from the mines. Abigail has Birthday in Fall, Maru in Summer. To marry them you also need Money for the Pendant, so it would be good to do the Mines runs and sell everything you don't need for Gifts. Maru is a bit harder than Abigail, because you can her Only bring Diamonds or Gold/Iridium Bars, but she also loves cauliflower and strawberrys (a SPRING Seed) the Plan could be for Maru:

Make enough Money to get enough Cauliflower Seeds and or some Strawberrys -> Plant them All -> Save a Few Parsnips (are the Second loved Thing for Maru) -> Go Mines (a lot of stuff found here could also be gifted to maru as "second best gift" like Earth Crystal and Amethyst/Quartz) -> When Spring is over, concentrate on making enough Money for House Upgrade (10k + 450Wood), the Pendant (2,5k) and the Boquet (200g): 12.700 $ needed -> Buy Everything, don't forget to talk to her everyday and gift her two gifts every week and her Birthday (allways gift her the best possible) -> Marry her


@ph1l, don't you need another 300 wood to get into that jetty thing on the beach, like to repair the bridge I mean

United States

It looks like the marriages might get a little tweaking so might want to keep that in mind if doing runs. Major changes may shorten or lengthen runs.

"Working on full unique post-marriage dialogue for all the marriage candidates! Step 1 for improving marriage in Stardew Valley"

Also I found this, should help some

Hesse, Germany

@testicles12: Yeah, forgot that.

@TorpidSloth: Allready read that and I'm looking Forward to that patch :D I'm really curious what CA will pull out of his sleeves for this Update xD But till now, I'm going with the route I wrote above, let the testing begin :)

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Beat my time on my Waifu and you break lose the Theory-crafting. ;)

Hesse, Germany

I'm going to rout it today in the evening and will do a first test run on twitch ^^ You can tune in if you like (if I can force myself to stop watching Germen Speedhausen xD).

Wisconsin, USA

I feel confident Penny is the quickest simply because she leaves her house at 8:10 am 3 days of the week.

She also has 3 easy/cheap Spring "liked" gifts and it works out almost perfect with her heart level and your gold reaching what you need right on her birthday at the start of Fall. You need 10 liked gifts to cover you until you have Poppies grown, then 9 of them (counting her birthday) gets her just in range for Bouquet spam to 10 hearts at her birthday Fall 2.

Every single day that you visit Penny, you should be arriving at her door at 8:10 am and still have plenty of time to get everything else done you need to do before that. So any wife/husband that you have to wait longer to talk to will be slower. I don't think any of the others can even be talked to before 9am except Maru on her 2 work days, but her gifts are complicated... you could give her parsnips to start just like Penny, but Cauli is her only Loved gift that isn't a total pain to get and that will cripple your money too early, causing you to reach 10 hearts before you have enough to upgrade your house and buy the pendant.

I think that Sebastian is the easiest of the dudes, even if you have to wait like a LOT to talk to him at the beginning, you can obtain one of his loved gifts in a easy and constant. Just befriend Linus up to 3 hearts and he will give you the Sashami recipe, and with that and your house upgraded, you just have to spam him with Sashamis until he reaches 10 hearts. :P

pd. sorry for the shitty english i'm not a native speaker

Idaho, USA

I feel like the fastest marriage candidate would have to be Leah. She isn't accessible until 10:00 which seems like a detriment, but actually the bottleneck for the run is raising enough money (14,500 for house upgrade if you buy wood, 4000 for bouquets, 3000 for wood to fix the bridge, 5000 for the pendant, plus any gift costs). So getting to your candidate early is not really an issue.

The reason Leah is so favorable is that her loved gift (salad) is easy to get, and her birthday is right before the winter feast. That means you could check to see if you are her secret santa before investing much time into the run.

I'm thinking the run goes something like this: Sleep until Winter 23 (Leah's Birthday) Check mail to see if you are her secret santa, if not restart (if you wanted to save time here you could just play through and restart when it turns out you are not her secret santa, but that's a bit too much for my sanity) Dig for snow yams until the saloon opens Sell some yams, buy some salad, give Leah her birthday gift (640 points, + 20 more for talking to her), pass out and return home.

Winter 25: Dig for Yams, then go to the winter feast. Give leah her gift (400 points), leave

Sleep until Spring 24: Clear a path to leave your farm while you wait for the dance Go to the dance, dance with Leah (250 points), leave

Sleep until Winter Dig for yams 3 more times, stopping to give Leah her salad as soon as she opens her door (at 10:00 I believe) for an additional 300 ([80 + 20] ¤ 3) friendship points. On one of these days, sell yams and upgrade your house at Robin's (buying the extra 300 wood for the bridge, too).

Winter 23: Dig for yams for that last bit of money Give Leah her birthday gift (640), then go to Pierre's and get 20 bouquets. Return to Leah and get 10 hearts.

Spring ?? On a rainy day, get the pendant and then wait for Leah. Done

I don't think this will take more than 45 minutes if done well.

Georgia, USA

From what I can tell Shane leaves his house the earliest out of any other NPC, plus he loves peppers and pizza, which are both easy to get, really the biggest problem I see with him is that he has a spring birthday, so you'll have to skip his birthday at least once since the run ( at least in my route) includes sleeping till winter for the first year.

编辑者 作者 7 years ago
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6 months ago