i want a new meme
3 months ago
United States

so, i think we should add a new meme run. I am thinking about a legendarysashimi% make sashimi out of a legendary fish. or, prissyhaley% give a prismatic shard to haley (always a good idea)

United States

Thank you for the suggestions. I would suggest asking them in Discord if you want to have it seen.

My 2 cents are the fish idea sounds interesting. The prismatic debatable, since it'd devolve to who can get it to drop soonest in the mines from a rock/monster (pure rng).

1.6 Leaderboard Updates

Alright folks, it's been a week since 1.6 dropped and it's already been a wild start! So many new mechanics, QoL fixes, and general nonsense. We're going to start lifting the embargo here on 1.6 runs, sometime tonight the options should populate on SRC and you'll be able to select the new version. W

11 months ago
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