7 years ago

You may have already seen it, but I found a fix for the FBM trophy a week or two ago (https://krikzz.com/forum/index.php?topic=6946.0). I've added a few more pieces to the patch to fix the Expansion Pak crashing issues for NTSC and add in the PAL languages to NTSC-U. As of last night I considered the patches to be complete, but this morning I was thinking about the speedrunning community.

Are these patches of interest to you guys? If so, I want to make sure my patches don't mess with the speedrunning techniques that you currently use. If they do - like if the Expansion Pak fix or the Language fix breaks things for you - I can make a patch specifically for attaining the 100% and nothing else. Let me know.

United States

the expansion pak thing could be useful for new runners who just dont have a jumper pack. but as for the FBM trophy it really doesnt make that much of a difference to us as a speedrunning community. im assuming this would be a hack that would need to be played on an everdrive. am i correct?

Sounds good.

Partially. It can be played on the Everdrive/64Drive, or you can use gameshark codes to turn on any of the 3 fixes. The Expansion Pak fix (both the patch and the GS codes) shouldn't affect gameplay. All of the intensive stuff happens before the startup screen with the copyright info. The Fat Bear Mountain Trophy Fix just loads a single byte when the trophy appears (a 00 was loaded before) so that the trophy can now be picked up. No slow down there. The language fix follows the same settings as the PAL languages so shouldn't have a major affect, but if anything could slow it down the language fix would be it.

If anyone does find anything or if there is anything else that would be good to fix in the game let me know on the ED64 site. I'll check back here a few times, but I check the ED64 forum regularly.


Thanks for sharing, ozidual. I want to get a gameshark soon so i can give it a go. I really don't think any of this will change the gameplay. Even changing languages is no big deal because of how text is presented in the game (no scrolling, only full dialogue boxes at a time). Technically, using a gameshark or an emulator should be banned for speedrunning this game (gameshark for possible cheating, emulator for decreased lag) but we haven't had any problems related to that yet so we'll cross that bridge when we do.

I'll probably post this on the ED64 site, but I don't have any requests for fixes. Instead, I would love to have any sort of rom hack type deal. A big ask, I know. Maybe something to look into would be playing as jungle animals in europe for example. This can be done already with GS codes but the animals have no models outside of their zones. From there it might be possible to "rebuild" some of the animals that were cut from the game, like the racing hippo.

发布于 4 years ago
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