run starts at 46s... and ends at 9minutes 000s ... Stormy.... for Classic mode, TT and BTP speedrun categories, we dont have a IGT (in-game timer) , so players should remove their times from the "In-Game time" space when filling times, because i dont know how to fill that for example and once the option on a leaderboard page is active, the "Time" filler space doesnt matter, it will automatically pick the time in "I-G time" to classify the players ..... heres what matters : Sometimes a player get "Time" longer than another player but shorter in "IG Time" so Time just doesnt matter..... but we dont have a tool to verify the IG Time.... at least i dont.. i dont know what happened to this game Moderator wise, but as i am filling my IGT (which matters) i will be place above the two last players on the leaderboard because they didnt fill at all their IGT... accept this run and see what i mean at But to fix this problem we could also remove all IGT from this category, TT and BTP so every run is timed by RTA (Real time action) represented by "Time" i think thats how it worked before