Speed Standardization
5 years ago
Washington, USA

Has anyone given any thought to standardizing the speed used, or at least providing a field for display of this information? The one run on here with any video at all seems to be running at max speed (either in DOSbox or ScummVM, I couldn't tell.)

If you look at the King's Quest V leaderboard, you'll note it has fields for the emulator used and the cycle count. (Their standard seems to be Max cycles, by the way. Quest for Glory seems to have standardized on 10000 cycles.) I kind of like picking a standard that doesn't depend as much on CPU speed, but with at least one existing run that went on Max, that might be harder. (By my timing, on my PC, Max cycles is about 3 minutes faster than 10000 cycles.)

I haven't submitted any runs, but I have been doing some offline and plan to submit one in a day or three.

swimfan 喜欢这个
Costa Rica

I'm on board with DOSBox 10,000 cycles! I've been mostly running Quest for Glory, and there's a lot of movement tech to be found that gets cut out when we crank up the speed to max.

发布于 10 months ago
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发布于 5 years ago
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