A Possibly New Speedrunning Category?
7 years ago

I thought about this and have done this with every Modern Stage (Besides Tag team ones). I did a speed run of each level but also collecting all the red rings in those runs. I have an example of Lost Valley here that could possibly be improved upon :)

RiiFT 喜欢这个
Pennsylvania, USA

That would just be an 100% run which hasn't been done yet, or even categorized which actually suprised me

Broey 喜欢这个

Yeah True, Maybe have this as a category or all collectibles next to super sonic or even both! I feel like you have a better pace with just the red rings though :) I'm surprised a 100% category hasn't been done either! Maybe it would requite the number and moon rings as well? idk...


One could argue 100% means absolutely everything, including missions and whatnot (unlock ALL the avatar shit lol) All Red Rings would seem more fun in that case, but it all depends on what people wanna do.

As for leaderboards, as with every category that has been suggested, we're gonna need active runners that seriously care about the categories before ima add leaderboards and so far none of the other requests have gotten to that point.

Broey 喜欢这个

ah right, understood man. I'll still continue to upload runs like this later on though ;) I hope people do spark an interest in this :D

New York, USA

@Cyd when you say "absolutely everything", do you include achievements? Because the 100k ring achievement would take up half the run.

Pennsylvania, USA

No its just in game which would probably take a while still because of the 3 medals with avatar aND you can't change avatars until end game


I would say everything in the game yeah, but honestly everything's up for debate and it all depends what people find enjoyable to run. Noone's done anything like it so far.


I don't think an 100% run would work well with the 3 honour medals for each race. Cause it will just be the runner playing the same levels over and over again to get them all to 3 honour medals. Maybe all Collectibles in terms of the ring collectibles (red, number and moon) but that would also mean repeated play throughs that are kinda boring. So if it will happen then it might only be just red rings.
