How to get Hacked File using GCMM (Wii)
How to get Hacked File using GCMM (Wii)
更新时间 2 years ago NokiDoki

You will need a way to boot homebrew on your Wii, a GameCube memory card, and an SD card (or USB drive). Warning: this method involves replacing your existing Sunshine save files (all 3 blocks). If you want to get hacked file alongside your existing files, you can do so using practice codes.

[section=Installing GCMM] First off, you need to download the latest GCMM release. Open the archive and the gcmm_1.4f folder inside it, and you should find this:


Copy the apps folder to the root of your SD card.

[section=Downloading the hacked file] Hacked files for each version are available on the resources page:

Download the relevant archive, open it and you will find a .gci file. Copy it into a folder called MCBACKUP, at the root of your SD card (create it if it doesn’t already exist).

[section=Copying the hacked file to your memory card] Put your SD card into your Wii, open the Homebrew Channel, and load GCMM. The software can be navigated with either a Wiimote or a GameCube controller. You will first have to select the storage device you did the previous steps on: press A for an SD card, or B for a USB drive. You will then get to the main menu:


Press X (GC controller) or + (Wiimote), then select the memory card slot where you put your memory card; press A for slot A, or B for slot B. You will enter Restore mode.


Select the file you downloaded earlier using the D-pad, then press A to restore it. If you already have save data for the game, you will then have to press B, then Z (GC controller) or 2 (Wiimote) to confirm that you want to overwrite it. The copy will take a few seconds, then the message “Restore Complete” will appear at the bottom. Press A to return to the main menu, then Start (GC controller) or Home (Wiimote) to exit GCMM, and congratulations, you now have a hacked file!