Start-up Boost Timing
4 years ago
United States

Hello I was wondering if anyone has a source (video preferably) to use for a guide. I tried the method of when the text is halfway up or a special moment in the sound. I even tried my own methods and still didn't work. It's very rare for me to pull it off and most of the time I do it too early. Please leave any tips for me because I have tried this too much. By the way Im playing with a switch.


plank 喜欢这个
Massachusetts, USA

I'm not too sure what to tell you: the NTSC GP 150cc startboost is the easiest one in SMK because it's the only one with a visual cue (the timings vary from mode to mode). You want to start pressing B when you see that the bottom half of the "ROUND 1" (or equivalent) text is gone. It is worth noting that the timing is quite strict: if you start a race in 1st, then the window is only 4 frames.

Charlotte, NC, USA

So, you start pressing B before the green light shows up? I thought that the visual cue was to start it as soon as the light turned green. If this is a stupid q I apologize, I am very new to speedrunning this game.

Minnesota, USA

Two full lights before the green one, home slice.

Charlotte, NC, USA

I dont quite understand what you mean @dan_h

Minnesota, USA

I don't know who you're replying to, there is no dan_h...

The green light is the final light, the go light. You need to press and hold B half way between the first and second light, which are both red. Refer to Lafungo's post for visual cue in 150cc GP

Charlotte, NC, USA

ok, I think I have it. I was replying to you, on my screen your username is dan_h

Minnesota, USA

2 underscores, homes. very important

United States

I've got the timing down. If starting in first, you press B around the time the text disappears

He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Im Totaly Clueless Of This Strategy That Is Very Rare But It Isnt, Follow Me If You Agree With Me

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