No runs being verified?
I’ve had quite a few runs pending and I’m sure other people have some too, no runs have been verified in almost 2 weeks.
Is something going on?
Keep in mind, The Moderators are mostly busy with other things , it's takes time for them to check on the runs that someone submitted, so it's best to wait until you get a notification on your run
ChiaraSM64 喜欢这个
We've become very busy nowadays... I sincerely apologize on the behalf of all the moderators for the delays!
ChiaraSM64 喜欢这个
Minor Update: General Rules
Please note that the General Rules section of all categories have been updated:
You must show the Server Settings before starting your run, this simplifies our verification process a lot. You can that by recording them before hosting or do it in-game by pausing, pressing R then selecting Server