Before someone says it: Yes, I was the one who removed the [Android] and [PC] categories, both for the variables and for the categories of individual levels.
- They were repeated, and they were unnecessary, when you upload a speedrun, it asked you twice for the platform, so it was unnecessary to create categories, since the page put them by default.
How are people going to tell if it was done on PC or Android?
- At first glance, the Android and PC platforms will be together, but you can stop them in the filters section, and then select the platform, so you can see who is the best in each category
you should be able to tell that the runs are done on pc bc the buttons dont show in the screen.
If you want to leave it like that you should probably change the setting that says “platforms obsolete each other” so we can see the runners’s android and PC runs without clicking “view osolete”
- Pagina terminada de remodelar -
- Ahora cada sección y cada modo de juego tiene sus reglas particulares para cada speedrun.
- Como la pagina ya esta terminada, tanto visual como de estructura se podra canonizar, obteniendo su sección dedicada en el servidor oficial de SM4J, dandole mas visibilidad, reconocimiento y aumentando