My derust run lastnight finished +4:45. Felt really good to get a -6:36 pb and get under that 5:10 barrier. Even though I had some technical difficulties I'm pretty happy with this run. Next barrier is 5:05. PeepoRun
*I ran into some major user error with livesplit during EP6. After further analysis of my technical difficulties I've deduced that my headphone cable hit my reset key causing livesplit prompt me to 'save best splits' which in turn caused livesplit to act unresponsively/freeze. (this also caused some layout issues but I don't believe my game feed was ever obstructed) I would have been able to fix this simply by pressing cancel and the timer would have resumed. Unfortunately the window prompting me to save my best splits popped up on my main monitor which is on a different input. So I had no clue that I could have fixed it until the run was over. Unfortunately I felt this affect my mindset and caused me to lose focus. (copium) Next time I will take precautions to make sure I avoid any more technical difficulties.
# | 名称 | 分段 | 完成时间 |
1 | Cairo | 2m 40s 920ms | 2m 40s 920ms |
2 | Start Episode 1 金奖 | 4m 00s 030ms | 6m 40s 950ms |
3 | Satellite Sabotage | 2m 05s 599ms | 8m 46s 549ms |
4 | ®Breaking and Entering | 3m 18s 411ms | 12m 04s 960ms |
5 | Bug Dimitri's Office | 2m 17s 400ms | 14m 22s 360ms |
6 | Follow Dimitri | 3m 18s 110ms | 17m 40s 470ms |
7 | ®Waterpump Destruction | 2m 06s 970ms | 19m 47s 440ms |
8 | Silence the Alarms | 2m 26s 740ms | 22m 14s 180ms |
9 | Moonlight Rendezvous 金奖 | 2m 50s 170ms | 25m 04s 350ms |
10 | Theatre Pickpocketing | 2m 58s 620ms | 28m 02s 970ms |
11 | ®Disco Demolition | 2m 08s 360ms | 30m 11s 330ms |
12 | Op: Thunder Beak | 6m 17s 510ms | 36m 28s 840ms |
13 | Start Episode 2 金奖 | 2m 51s 700ms | 39m 20s 540ms |
14 | ®Recon the Ballroom | 3m 26s 810ms | 42m 47s 350ms |
15 | Lower the Drawbridge | 3m 56s 660ms | 46m 44s 010ms |
16 | Steal a Tuxedo | 3m 35s 750ms | 50m 19s 760ms |
17 | Battle the Chopper 金奖 | 1m 16s 370ms | 51m 36s 130ms |
18 | ®Dominate the Dance Floor | 4m 09s 530ms | 55m 45s 660ms |
19 | RC Bombing Run | 2m 08s | 57m 53s 660ms |
20 | Elephant Rampage | 3m 35s 940ms | 1h 01m 29s 600ms |
21 | ®Boardroom Brawl | 4m 26s 930ms | 1h 05m 56s 530ms |
22 | Op: Hippo Drop | 6m 58s 930ms | 1h 12m 55s 460ms |
23 | Start Episode 3 | 1m 46s 510ms | 1h 14m 41s 970ms |
24 | ®Spice Room Recon | 1m 54s 200ms | 1h 16m 36s 170ms |
25 | Freeing the Elephant | 4m 09s 360ms | 1h 20m 45s 530ms |
26 | Water Bug Run | 1m 34s 060ms | 1h 22m 19s 590ms |
27 | ®Leading Rajan | 3m 43s 750ms | 1h 26m 03s 340ms |
28 | Blow the Dam | 2m 48s 230ms | 1h 28m 51s 570ms |
29 | Spice Grinder Destruction | 3m 47s 480ms | 1h 32m 39s 050ms |
30 | Neyla's Secret | 4m 24s 640ms | 1h 37m 03s 690ms |
31 | ®Rip Off the Ruby | 4m 16s 080ms | 1h 41m 19s 770ms |
32 | Op: Wet Tiger 金奖 | 6m 51s 250ms | 1h 48m 11s 020ms |
33 | Start Episode 4 | 4m 07s 420ms | 1h 52m 18s 440ms |
34 | Eavesdrop on Contessa | 3m 17s 970ms | 1h 55m 36s 410ms |
35 | Train Hack | 3m 55s 010ms | 1h 59m 31s 420ms |
36 | ®Wall Bombing | 1m 53s 270ms | 2h 01m 24s 690ms |
37 | Code Capture | 4m 15s 490ms | 2h 05m 40s 180ms |
38 | Lightning Action | 3m 15s 080ms | 2h 08m 55s 260ms |
39 | Close to Contessa | 2m 04s 700ms | 2h 10m 59s 960ms |
40 | Big House Brawl 金奖 | 3m 01s 640ms | 2h 14m 01s 600ms |
41 | ®Disguise Bridge | 3m 08s 279ms | 2h 17m 09s 879ms |
42 | Op: Trojan Tank | 10m 19s 991ms | 2h 27m 29s 870ms |
43 | Start Episode 5 | 2m 26s 730ms | 2h 29m 56s 600ms |
44 | ®Know Your Enemy | 4m 17s 210ms | 2h 34m 13s 810ms |
45 | Kidnap the General | 3m 03s 510ms | 2h 37m 17s 320ms |
46 | Ghost Capture | 4m 48s 060ms | 2h 42m 05s 380ms |
47 | ®Mojo Trap Action | 9m 45s 400ms | 2h 51m 50s 780ms |
48 | Tank Showdown | 2m 40s 320ms | 2h 54m 31s 100ms |
49 | Stealing Voices | 6m 11s | 3h 00m 42s 100ms |
50 | ®Crypt Hack | 5m 55s 140ms | 3h 06m 37s 240ms |
51 | Op: High Road | 11m 51s 660ms | 3h 18m 28s 900ms |
52 | Start Episode 6 金奖 | 2m 42s 770ms | 3h 21m 11s 670ms |
53 | ®Cabin Crimes | 4m 27s 130ms | 3h 25m 38s 800ms |
54 | Spice in the Sky | 4m 34s 940ms | 3h 30m 13s 740ms |
55 | A Friend in Need 金奖 | 6m 20s 490ms | 3h 36m 34s 230ms |
56 | ®Ride the Iron Horse | 1m 59s 800ms | 3h 38m 34s 030ms |
57 | Aerial Assault | 3m 50s 140ms | 3h 42m 24s 170ms |
58 | Bear Cub Kidnapping | 3m 10s 500ms | 3h 45m 34s 670ms |
59 | ®Theft on the Rails | 1m 45s 710ms | 3h 47m 20s 380ms |
60 | Op: Choo-Choo | 4m 58s 240ms | 3h 52m 18s 620ms |
61 | Start Episode 7 金奖 | 2m 06s 300ms | 3h 54m 24s 920ms |
62 | ®Recon the Sawmill | 3m 30s 250ms | 3h 57m 55s 170ms |
63 | Laser Redirection | 4m 33s 680ms | 4h 02m 28s 850ms |
64 | Bearcave Bugging | 3m 20s 170ms | 4h 05m 49s 020ms |
65 | ®RC Combat Club | 3m 15s 760ms | 4h 09m 04s 780ms |
66 | Old Grizzle Face | 3m 48s 690ms | 4h 12m 53s 470ms |
67 | Lighthouse Break In | 2m 40s 750ms | 4h 15m 34s 220ms |
68 | Thermal Ride | 3m 00s 280ms | 4h 18m 34s 500ms |
69 | ®Boat Hack | 5m 50s 730ms | 4h 24m 25s 230ms |
70 | Operation: Canada Games | 13m 20s 270ms | 4h 37m 45s 500ms |
71 | Start Episode 8 金奖 | 2m 03s 849ms | 4h 39m 49s 349ms |
72 | ®®Blimp HQ Recon | 4m 28s 621ms | 4h 44m 17s 970ms |
73 | Bentley/Murray Team Up | 6m 07s 730ms | 4h 50m 25s 700ms |
74 | Murray/Sly Tag Team 金奖 | 3m 22s 800ms | 4h 53m 48s 500ms |
75 | Sly/Bentley Conspire | 3m 12s 750ms | 4h 57m 01s 250ms |
76 | ®Charged TNT Run | 4m 06s 300ms | 5h 01m 07s 550ms |
77 | Mega-Jump Job | 2m 51s 650ms | 5h 03m 59s 200ms |
78 | Showdown with Clock-La | 5m 58s 420ms | 5h 09m 57s 620ms |
The PS4 and PS5 versions of Sly 2 have been patched, removing the ability to skip cutscenes by pressing start (Universal Cutscene Skip / UCSS).
Since v1.0 is inaccessible on a PS5, we have moved all v1.0 runs performed on a PS5 to a Legacy board stored on the Category Extensions page. That boar