发布于 1 year ago

To keep the game non-timer friendly a change has been made in the all modes category. The rules have changed so you just need to record your whole gameplay and add the end times of each mode removing the loading times (because this is different for everyone and could cause you to lose time). Hopefully will this make the experience also easier as you don't need to install a timer of sorts and can just record your gameplay.

Make sure to check the rules for the changes. This also implies that the records now will be broken.

发布于 2 years ago

If you are new to speedrunning this game than you can perhaps use a small but handy tip that seems obvious but can be forgotten.

Brewing always takes the most time in all the runs. So just try to do microwaving, gathering water, and the code brewing all within the brewing process. Also, try to always brew because the time it isn't brewing is time that you will probably lose.

Change in all modes

To keep the game non-timer friendly a change has been made in the all modes category. The rules have changed so you just need to record your whole gameplay and add the end times of each mode removing the loading times (because this is different for everyone and could cause you to lose time). Hopeful

1 year ago
发布于 2 years ago
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