Skill times with Different Items
4 years ago
North Carolina, USA

So I tested each skill with a item if you guys wanna help out and test the others that would be great. Greening is what level of the skill i had to use the all motives cheat. I tested these times at moms with all motives cheat. I started with full motives and this is on the Xbox version.

Cooking = Gourmet Stove Greening:4,6,8,9 / 25:08.57

Mechanic = Tesla Coil Greening: No Greening / 2:57.48

Creative = Synth Greening:8 / 7:08.37 /31

Body = Gyrosport Greening: 8 / 7:14.09

Logic = Robot Greening: 8 / 7:19.5031

Charisma = Microphone Greening:6,8 / 11:30.30

More need to be tested like the slush machine and maybe the piano and DJ Booth.

编辑者 作者 4 years ago
Nightwish 喜欢这个