Sexy Hiking In Game Timer
2 years ago
Italy Your time will be shown in the top left corner in frames and in seconds without loads in the end. You can restart by pressing R. The game runs at 50 fps so if you wanna find out the time of a level just divide by 50

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
Sixthstep 72pinkush 喜欢这个

you should add an option to allow for wasd movement, I dont mind normally but when having to reach for the r key it would be a really nice feature

Sixthstep carotina06 喜欢这个

Higher score is better! Right? :D

Coilll 喜欢这个

Does the original game run at 50 fps carotina? How can we check it?


i recorded the new sexy hiking with the frame counter and every second 50 points would be added to the score


Hi carotina, remember we talked about the "sexy hiking practice version" limiting monitor to 60Hz and after I saw SixthStep submit a run using this client you posted in here I was curious if this client also did that. I checked and it doesn't limit to 60Hz, i was able to play at 120Hz however while opening and closing the game it still does dark flashes like rebooting the monitors. Woahbust's client in the "better sexy hiking" thread doesn't do that.

I love the score, it is amazing to not worry about using livesplit and it's easier to time runs. If you could either fix the monitor rebooting behaviour of this client or implement the score to Woahbust's client it would be the giga speedrunning client we recommend to everyone! :D

Sixthstep 喜欢这个

Sorry if i didn't read earlier. Yes I'll fix and make it better

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