更新时间 3 years ago DigiTamerRiley

Probably isn't written in the clearest manner, but I watched the WR run of the 22 Happy Habiticians Best End category and wrote out the pathing the runner took to share with y'all here.

Do the tutorial with Nat so you can leave your bedroom. Talk to Dallas and Nat at the same time and agree to help them woo Mirphy and to make everyone at the habitat happy respectively. Immediately talk to Dallas again and tell him what Mirphy likes in a painting (Small canvas, no action, no green, no dogs) Give Mirphy the painting and get the camera from her. Report back to Dallas and tell him Mirphy loves him too, gaining access to the stairwell. Jump down the stairwell and agree to help Millie make Ronbo miserable, and while talking to her plant the dawnblossom to her left and the noonbloom to her right. Position the pipes so her golf ball will knock Ronbo’s locket to the floor. Talk to Trencil and agree to place flowers, taking a picture of him and planting the duskflower at his left while he’s talking. Get the trowel from him and pick up the locket before returning to Millie. Reposition the pipes so the golf ball will hit Ronbo and talk to Ronbo, showing him the locket. Stay close enough to Millie that conversation with her won’t end and she’ll give you the erythronium seed while you talk to Ronbo. Go back upstairs and unlock Tiff’s room (the only room with a lock) and grab the megaphone off her dresser. Jump back downstairs and show Trencil the picture you took of him and refuse to destroy it. Then hold up the megaphone to his mouth when he confesses to being a vampire. Return to the top of the stairwell and stand against the left wall (when facing away from the door) while looking up. Run off the stairwell and after a beat hold left and back up. If done correctly you clip in the wall and will be able to jump out of the window directly underneath where Dallas is standing. Jump into the courtyard, grabbing the loose bolt by the tent when you land. Grab the loose bolt next to Parsley (near the tire fire), and begin talking to Gerry. While talking to him grab the second loose bolt behind Martha (the big ol chompers, can’t miss em) and refuse each offer he makes for his treasure. He’ll begin to say there’s no deal each time but as you start to walk away he’ll relent. Make sure not to walk away from him entirely. After refusing enough times he’ll give you the detector free of charge. Go to the fortune tent and grab the tent patch from inside, then use the detector and the trowel to find and dig up the shiny li’l quarter next to Putunia, then use the trowel to dig up the mystery hat at the base of the tree. (Day 1 Maynard Skip) Talk to the Merchant of Merryment (the paper freak closest to Putunia) and center yourself as best you can on the guessing game, then wait until dark if needed. Look at the ground to your sides and the top of this tent very slightly, if you look too far you’ll be accused of cheating will have to start the game over. With enough practice you will be able to tell with reasonable certainty which light behind you is lit up and will be able to beat the game without the pocket mirror and you’ll be given Maynard. (End Day 1 Maynard Skip) Once night falls you’ll pass out and wake up back in your room. Plant the erythronium seed by your windowsill and get the stopwatch from your bed. Use the stopwatch to fast forward to a bit after noon as you go downstairs (at this point always assume you’re going downstairs by jumping down the stairwell) and talk to Trencil. He’ll give you shears for planting the flowers correctly and you can cut the chain links blocking off the boiler room. Enter the boiler room and talk to Trevor, he’ll instantly be happy because of the vampire stuff yesterday. Go into the water on the left and grab the dissolved record, a few steps away from the corner closest to Trevor. Peak into the lounge to take a picture of Tiff and give it to Ronbo, this will make him happy and open up the Courtyard. If you failed to do the Day 1 Maynard Skip, use the Prize Detector on the way out of the Boiler Room to find and dig up the Pocket Mirror, then go outside and use it to win the Guessing Game. Go back upstairs and go to sleep. Go downstairs and talk to Gillis (the new guy downstairs), take a picture of him and put on top of the security camera, then back up to leave conversation with him and talk to him again, he’ll thank you for helping him. When he mentions the carnival games, give him Maynard. Tell him it’s not a prank and he’ll give you his mask. Once he’s happy you can turn to the door directly next to him and unlock it with the secret knock (Knock 3 times, wait, Knock 4 times, wait, Knock 2 times) Go back upstairs and talk to Dallas, he’ll give you a series of paintings. The first one goes to Putunia, so go to the courtyard and give it to her. Then run past her and put Gillis’ mask in the wet paint on the wall making it red. Give Putunia the mask and tell her she looks fierce. Then give her the tent patch for a cape and she’ll give you the punchin’ glove. Return to Dallas for the second painting which goes to Trevor, so head down the stairwell and punch the poster of Dr Habit at the very bottom, then go to the boiler room and give him the painting. While you’re there take a picture of the man in the crack in the wall (it will be pitch black and that’s okay) Back to Dallas again and he’ll give you an abstract flowery painting. Talk to Nat and Mirphy at the same time and agree to help cheer up Nat’s dad (Trencil) and get a photo of someone’s butt respectively. Talk to Nat a second time and tell her you won’t cheer up her dad. While doing so hang the last painting in your room. Then hold up the megaphone to Nat as she says “I love you lots, dad” and talk to Dallas on your way downstairs. He’ll be happy that people liked his art and give you his palette. Jump downstairs and grab the toof brush that was hidden behind the poster, place the pitch black photo you have over the security camera. Go through the door next to Gillis and talk to Tiff and Jimothan (Parsley’s dad) in the lounge at the same time, agreeing to help them break their contract with Habit and to make some “food” for Parsley respectively. While talking to them put the shiny li’l quarter in the jukebox and switch the song to Pumpkin Accolade. Jimothan will give you Jimmy’s recipe and put out a plate for the “food” so place the three loose bolts, the palette, and the recipe on the plate. Agree with Jimothan as he compliments the food, and then punch it with the punchin’ glove until it’s ready. Then take the food and give it to Parsley in the courtyard. Tell him his dad talked about him and not about sports, girls, or his mama. Report back to Jimothan and he’ll give you the bathroom key. Start fast forwarding time while talking to him, then open the bathroom door. Get toothpaste for the toof brush in the sink, flush the toilet, grab the fortune coupon above the toilet, and grab the teeth that float up in the toilet water when you flushed it. Go outside and continue fast forwarding time as you go to the courtyard and back to the fortune tent and use the fortune coupon when light is shining on the crystal ball to get the certificate of good fortune. Head back upstairs and go to the stairs to the terrace which are blocked by Lulia. When she asks for proof that her life will turn out okay give her the certificate. Go back downstairs and there will be a fish man in the pond named Marv. Talk to him and he’ll thank you for putting the picture over the camera and give you the fishin’ rod. While talking to him talk to Trencil who is now happy because Nat said she loved him. Head back upstairs and finally go to sleep. Go to the terrace and give the mystery hat to Questionette (the lovely lady to your right) and make her happy. Talk to Tim Tam and they’ll tell you to punch 20 heads. Go punch Borbra (the tall lady with binoculars), put the fishin’ rod in the empty stand for an umbrella next to her, talk to Borbra again and while she’s talking use the shears to open the art room. Then go in and press the button four times, then grab the seductive specs from the picture that is now showing. Agree to get Borbra a Y’owl and get the falconer’s glove from her, then punch Questionette, Tim Tam, and Lulia. Use the shears on the chain link next to Kamal, then talk to him. Tell him you don’t want to hear his traumatic story about Martha and brush his teeth. Punch him in the head. Go downstairs and take a picture of Mirphy’s butt while she’s distracted by the fish. Give her the photo and she’ll give you a flashy cam. Punch her in the head and go into Tiff’s room. Take two pictures of her contract with Habit with your new camera, destroying it. Head back upstairs and take a picture of Kamal, then agree to get the ex-janitor Wallus’s ID. Jump off the roof into the courtyard and give Gerry the toilet teeth. Then punch him, Gillis, and Putunia. Go back inside and punch Ronbo, Marv, Millie, and Trencil on your way to the boiler room. Punch Trevor too while you’re at it. Show the picture of Kamal to the man in the wall (this is Wallus) and he’ll think you’re him. Agree to help him get his record, then hand him the dissolved record from earlier. He’ll be sad that it’s ruined and wish he could hear it one more time. Back away and pull out the flashy cam to take a picture of him. This will give you a photo of an eye, I guess and will start up conversation with Wallus again. Wallus will be happy to hear his favorite record again (the dissolved record was Pumpkin Accolade which you turned on earlier) and he’ll ask you to talk to Habit. Agree and he’ll give you his ID. Go to the lounge and punch Tiff, Jimothan, Parsley, and Jerafina. Give Jerafina the seductive specs, then talk to Tiff and Parsley again and they’ll both be happy you helped them. At the same time talk to Jimothan and accept his request for a drink, then show him the Janitor’s ID. Get a kiss from Jerafina. Go the stairwell and meet Randy. Randy’s sad because he doesn’t smell like pickles, and he’ll ask you to change that and give you a pickle jar. Hit him in the head with the pickles until the jar breaks and covers him in pickle juice. (sorry Ruby) Go to your room and punch Dallas and Nat on the way there. This should have brought you to 20 punches. Give the kiss to the flower that grew from the erythronium seed, then give it the drink, and lastly brush the flower’s teeth. Head back to the terrace and report to Tim Tam. They’ll give you a rubber duck and tell you to burn it, but instead just give it back to Gillis. Climb the stairs back up to the terrace, fast forwarding time as you go. Begin a staring contest with Tim Tam and fast forward time a bit more, stop when time is just barely into the evening. After winning the staring contest, they’ll give you some stuff they stole. Give the lipstick to Lulia, then jump off the rood and head to the tire fire and catch a Y’owl for Borbra. Give the cigarettes back to Ronbo, then head back to the terrace to give Borbra the Y’owl and report to Tim Tam to make them happy. Give Kamal the Janitor’s ID and the photo of an eye, I guess. Tell Kamal that you want him to open the tunnel to Habit’s office and head off to bed. (You might pass out before you get there but that’s probably fine) When you wake up all 22 Habiticians will have left the habitat, finding that they are no longer unhappy. Make your way to the boiler room and down the tunnel that Kamal opened for you. When you get to the elevator hit the up button and wait in Habit’s waiting room until you pass out. Wake up in Habit’s dentistry room and when he leaves grab the tooth pile to your right, then use them to hit the buttons on the wall in the right order to release you from the chair you’re in (7-4-0-8-1) Climb up the shelves on the left side of the room and use the crank to open the door and get outside, turn to your left and show Dr. Habit the flower. Talk to Habit and agree to everything he says after he’s done talking head back to the elevator. Press the down button and go back through the tunnel to the exit of the habitat which is now open. Walk outside and when the screen has faded entirely to white, you’ve officially finished the speedrun. Congrats!

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