please for the love of god daxzz don't beat this time I don't want to have to play this god forsaken map ever again with its shit hitboxes and shit highlighting like why the fuck does the amazon rainforest hitbox reach halfway into the rest of the amazon rainforest when the highlighting when you put your cursor over the river doesn't even go that far along with the parana river like why does it even stretch that far and don't even get me fucking started with the hitbox on the atacama desert and the andes mountains dude when you hover both of those elements the area they cover OVERLAPS so I have no fucking clue what I'm even doing with my life if I had a dollar for everytime I accidentally clicked the atacama desert when trying to click on the andes I would have at least enough for a week of rent which actually isn't that much also fuck lake maracaibo
30 minutes of my life is gone