Classic Doom & speedruncom
2 years ago

Will try to keep it somewhat short.

I've been one of first people to bring Doom to srcom, when this website was in its infancy, but as time has passed it seems that decesion has not been entirely correct. Classic Doom representation on srcom is quite lackluster and ideally shouldn't exist. Back in 2019 I did nuke classic LBs, which I then regretted doing as my course of action was quite bad (more on that here -

Since then I've been trying to maintain it to at least be somewhat representative of DSDA ( - actual hub of doom speedruns), but it was far from perfect. Most of actual classic doom speedrunners don't think that maintaining these pages has any worth and as a result I've been mostly carrying quest of verification and handling all this stuff mostly alone.

And quite honestly - I can't anymore. I don't think it is worth it as for srcom there a much better representation of doom speedruns - which doesn't go against classic boards as it is quite simply put a "different game" and guys at moderation there have been doing fantastic job, making it one of srcom's most popular boards.

So here is where I say goodbye to classic boards myself as I leave Doom series in hands of Meta and THiEF_HD209. As for classic boards (Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Final Doom and various wad/mod boards that got created by various people) I would wish that they were closed, as I think that best representation for Classic Doom should be akin to games like Halo, where actual Halo runs are not on this website, due to various issues (mostly technical in doom's case, for more on this topic - watch my video from thread that I linked if you really care). But I won't oppose these leaderboards being maintained, as, for example, Cyberdemon is still here and have been doing some moderation from time to time.

It's been fun and I don't regret running them for so long, but at this point I just don't care. I leave future of classic doom boards in hands of others. Whether they will be locked or continue to exist is not up to me.

I applaud to those of you who found classic doom speedrunning here and then moved to DSDA, there are some truly great runners out there. And if you just were doing run for boards I'll still say to you "Thanks" as you kept me entertained and were playing on of my favorite games ever, which in all honesty is great.

But ye, will repeat myself - if you want to run Classic Doom - please try to get into DSDA or move to Doom Unity boards here.


Neuvost, jwel 2 其他 喜欢这个

I had no idea about the existence of the DSDA website. I've also found there are other speedrunning communities out there with their own dedicated website. for example, the Megaman speedrunning community.

Data from these websites (who have their own established dedicated moderators) should be integrated into the database. I believe should find a way to accurately represent Doom speedrunning records. Out of the games most deserving of this venture, Doom is unmatched in my opinion.

The idea of speedrunning itself might owe thanks to this series. Not only that, but to have such a rich treasure trove of Doom speedrunning content on DSDA along with a community that is still active, how many more could be exposed to this community if only it were more accessible and properly represented on I think should take steps toward making this a reality so people who visit this site can see just how BIG Doom speedrunning really is...

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
California, USA

@jwel I disagree. DSDA exists for Doom speedruns on Source ports. SRC is mainly used for modern and console ports of Doom. DSDA has existed long before this site did, so there's no reason to integrate those runs to here. This site for source ports should only be used for categories that can't utilize demos such as full game runs. IL's, episodes, Doom II, and Final Doom should not exist on this site for the reason of DSDA hosting demos for them already.

If people want to run Doom and submit here, The Unity port exists, and is much more beginner friendly.

编辑者 作者 2 years ago
Neuvost Tezur0 喜欢这个
New York City, NY, USA
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I'm glad I saw this thread! May I suggest making a post that makes it crystal clear in the title that Doom's community is at and that's where newbies should go to learn! :D

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