More seperation of leaderboards?
5 years ago

I'd like to preface this thread by saying that normally I don't like to seperate leaderboards into even further categories and subcategories. It's fun to see everyone in one, long list. I also don't have a run submitted here yet, as I only picked up this game a few days ago, but I have a few comment that you may, or may not, agree with, I just wanted to express my opinion.

  • Saturn seems inaccurate. After watching the current Championship WR, I can't help but feel that the saturn version is "too friendly" towards its player. In the video, you can see the runner making small turns with no (almost) loss of speed, while when I try to do the same playing the Arcade version on M2, I always seem to lose 5-15 kmh each time, which is a significant timeloss in comparison. I moderate the Daytona USA leaderboards and observed similar inaccuracies, again, in the saturn version of that game.

  • IL's (Time Attack) seems unfair. Please tell me if I'm wrong here, I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong. The PC version (I don't know about the saturn) has the Stratos. This car seems to be doing ~240km/h when driving straight. Compared to the original cars only doing ~220km/h. How is this the same leaderboards, especially since the Stratos was added later to the PC port? Now I've read about a "faster car" code or whatever for Arcade, but it appears to do nothing (here sound in menu, no difference in-game), so if I'm doing something wrong, please let me know.

As I mentioned, I don't like seperating games unless it's necessary, but similar to OutRun 2; each version of this game seems to be different from each other.

Again, just expressing my opinions, and I'd love to hear from you what you think of this situation, or if you think that it's all good and nothing needs to change.


mrFahrenhyt 喜欢这个
Aberdeen, Scotland

In regards to the Saturn version of the game, that may be down to the fact the run is emulated, I have not had the chance to properly test the versions to see if there any differences between emulator and real hardware.

In regards to the Stratos, as far as I'm aware it is available in every version of the game, I was able to get the Stratos in the Saturn and PC versions with no issues, i dont have access to the arcade version, however there are multiple sources that mention the stratos being in the Arcade

编辑者 作者 5 years ago

The stratos isn't in the original arcade release; I've tried Saturn emulation and haven't noticed any severe differences in terms of controls between it and the PC version though, both using analog/3D gamepad contols. I feel that the times should indeed be separated based on whether it's played on the Saturn/PC or Arcade version due to the versions' differences in order to have a more level playing field for records.


for future reference, the pc version is a port of the saturn version and the ps2 version is a direct port of the arcade version also i believe there should be different leaderboards for celica/delta times vs stratos times also to unlock the stratos in the saturn version you need to beat the game in normal or above

Aberdeen, Scotland

If a split between Celica/Delta and Stratos is wanted, then i can make that happen, I will also revamp the IL boards and condense auto/manual into a variable rather than as a completely separate category.


I, personally, would like to see a split, otherwise, as a player who only plays the arcade version (both emulated and on actual hardware) it makes it impossible to compete with the PC/Saturn versions due to the addition of the Stratos in those versions.


sounds good to me PC and Saturn on one side, PS2 and Arcade on the other

Aberdeen, Scotland

They are separated between the Stratos and the Celica/Delta, as separating them between platforms is unnecessary


to me it works either way as i use the saturn version but in the arcade and ps2 versions there is a bigger loss of speed when turning compared to saturn and pc

Varuuna 喜欢这个

This is what I noticed as well.... And well, not saying I want a split, but it sucks that the version are not all equal. As I said in my original post, the same issues happens in Daytona when comparing the Saturn version to the original Arcade

Aberdeen, Scotland

Splitting by platforms and vehicle is completely unnecessary as that would lead to pointless empty categories. So it will be left the way it is.