4 years ago
Czech Republic

does anybody here understand python? or whatever it is... quickconsole.pyc in the bin folder contains interesting stuff... i managed to figure out what some of the codes do but there are a lot of codes which "do nothing" or crash the game

编辑者 作者 4 years ago

Hi _con Nice, finally someone who is interested in the "with Cheats" category :D I assume you have seen the "Cheats and Debug commands" Info-Thread?

I have now added a link to a spreadsheet on which you can document your new findings.

Now about the quickconsole.pyc: Back when i was last interested about the Scrapland commands, I knew nothing about Python … Now a quick look at it shows me that it is a compiled python script. True, it might be worth trying to decompile that file … not sure when i find time to do that though. Although im bad in using Python …

But I know even the global variables you can change are quite powerful. But it is years since i tried them last time. (And my english wasn't good back then.) Now if i have a look over them e.g. the EasyAlarmFallFactor looks interesting. Or maybe you figure out how to give yourself a powerful ship early with HangarShip1 … (Although last time I tried, only Texts and Numbers worked with the Set command … but I knew nothing about Python back then.)

I'll see when I find time to experiment a bit with scrapland again … but i can't promise anything …

Czech Republic

yeah i already took a look at the list of variables but so far did nothing with those... the "easyalarmfallfactor" you mentioned looks interesting... mby i should experiment with variables before i try for another run however there is nothing about cheats in that list later i will update the scrapland commands document with what i found in quickconsole.pyc... even the codes that "do nothing" or crash the game

编辑者 作者 4 years ago

For anyone else interested: Yes I was able to decompile quickconsole.pyc I was also able to modify the Data.packed file which also contains a uncompiled version of the quickconsole.py

For more information see my Tutorial-Video:

Keep in mind: Yes, figure out how the game works by modifying it! BUT REVERT ALL BANNED CHANGES BEFORE YOUR NEXT RUN 😉

Scrapland Remastered just got released!

Scrapland Remastered just got released! Get it on Steam: Or on GOG:

Feel free to discuss in Forum-Post!

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