7 years ago
New York, USA

Does anyone know any good time-saving glitches for single player and co-op story? My friend and I accidentally managed to keep the double doors open during the Lesovsky interrogation in Banya. We found another person had done it on Youtube but they didn't know how either.

I did find some goofy way to get on the sign at the entrance to White Box (I was trying to find a clip). Still not sure how useful it is. I will get a video of it soon.

Toronto, ON, Canada

One glitch I found (I'm the guy who had the youtube video you mentioned). This is hard to do, and very risky if it goes wrong but if you let an enemy follow you while you perform the double EMP you can skip some animation. For instance, you do the EMP but get shot by the nearby enemy right after, you will be freed from the EMP animation and can start running maybe a second earlier. Very small timesave, not really worth.

London, England

as you know johnny there a good load now lol

New Jersey, USA

The best time saving glitch is very easy to do. When you’re at the end of the White Box lab mission and your objective is to detonate the emp, don’t kill the guys near the button, instead, stun them with a portable emp and hit the button. The cutscene will start and the guys will start shooting at you, which is good. They’ll kill you and you’ll respawn right after the cutscene and you can exit the mission. Little time saver.

关卡: Washington Monument
关卡: Merchant's Street Market
关卡: Merchant's Street Market
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发布于 7 years ago