Hi moderator
This is a new category proposal.
“Perfect Ending” and “All Endings”.
The “Perfect Ending” is the ending where you get perfect memories.
The “All Endings”require to see 4 endings : TaT, BaS, True Ending, and Perfect Ending.
What do you think?
I think it'd be a better idea to do All Major Endings (IBAS/ITAT+Perfect+True, instead of requiring both IBAS and ITAT) rather than a full All Endings, because IBAS and ITAT are a coinflip (at least when going for IBAS. With ITAT, having Siffrin be frozen at the end of the battle does apparently force it?) and there's a 50% chance that you just get the same one twice, which would automatically kill the run (or lose several minutes if you're doing a no reset) in an All Endings/All Memories/All Items category. Which just... seems VERY unfun to put the whole run at the mercy of literal 50-50 RNG, especially over 10 minutes in.
(technically this could be solved by allowing a mod that ensures the 2nd IBAS/ITAT ending will be different from the 1st, but still, it's probably better to address such an issue with the category definition itself rather than a mod)
Thank you.
You are right, we may be able to eliminate the 50-50 luck-dependent part.
To the moderator
Could you please add “All Major Endings”?
Hey, thanks for the suggestion! I've gone ahead and added it. I'm unfamiliar with the Perfect Ending, so let me know if the rules need to be tweaked at all.
If I understand these current rules correctly, they would allow making a save some time after BaS/TaT but before locking in to either route (i.e. less than 5 weird points, and still with potential to reach 10 weird points), and then making the Perfect End and True End branch out of that save (as opposed to doing Bas/TaT->Perfect->True with each one taking a full loop, and as a result having Memory of Perfection in your inventory when you do True End)
IDK if this is good or bad though.
Yes, I believe it is possible to branch out to Perfect Ending and True Ending from the appropriate saved data.
However, I do not understand the conditions correctly and would like to know. What exactly are the weird points that you can get, and are weird points the only condition for the ending branching?
Weird Points are in fact the only condition - True Ending is possible when you have at least 10 Weird Points by the time you reach the Last Hallway (the room where the Candy Scene happens in that ending), while Perfect Ending happens when you have less than 5 when you reach the Last Hallway. Both can only happen after having gotten In Blood and Stars and/or In Tears and Time at least once (repeating In Blood and Stars/In Tears and Time can be done by either having 5-9 Weird Points, or losing the King fight on the True Ending path. In the latter case, In Tears and Time will be guaranteed if Siffrin has TimeFreeze state at the end of the battle [that can technically also happen on the "normal" path, but only if you force the OHKO cutscene move - which has a chance of applying TimeFreeze - by doing 12000 damage to the King])
As for the sources of Weird Points, I haven't yet looked into all of them, but I think the biggest source we get in the normal True Ending speedrun is a +5 from always picking up keys and crests without checking anywhere else in the room (it's the extra reaction and choicer that the TE part of the run gets on picking up the final crest during hair puzzle)
Weird Point sources that are in the speedrun route: (note: finding a key/crest "quickly" means finding it without having looked for it anywhere else since the last key/crest. Kinda like how in BaS/TaT we avoid weird-point-related long dialogues later on by checking the place right next to the 3rd star crest before picking it up. Note that "quickly" is completely separate from "before having seen what it's needed for")
Find first crest before seeing tears cutscene: +1
Stay silent/don't listen in the cutscene before first Sadness fight: +1
Find key in library without having interacted with the door, but without having found ALL of crests 1, 3, and that key itself, quickly: +1 (happens in BaS/TaT route)
Find key in library quickly (regardless of if you've checked the door) after finding crests 1 and 3 quickly: +5 (happens in True Ending route)
Find final star crest quickly after finding all other crests and keys quickly: +5 (happens in True Ending route, pretty long dialogue which is why we avoid this in BaS/TaT)
Find torch without having interacted with the hair: +2 (+1 at torch and +1 after burning the hair. The latter gives longer dialogue if you already had 10 Weird Points before it)
There are many other sources, some of which could potentially be used to make True and Perfect branch out later than Library in AME