Rules changes
9 years ago

Since I made a small autosplit script for livesplit the day before, I would like to take the opportunity to talk about some changes to the rules.

Currently there are no categories for runs with and without skips, so at the moment everyone is using skips/oob glitches. This way you are forced to use exploits and glitches in order to come up with a decent timing. While personally I do like glitch runs, there seem to be a lot of people around that would prefer to have some non-glitch runs. So we might want to add a new category for those as well?

The second point is about reconnecting during multiplayer runs. Personally I would prefer to prohibit those. There are two reason for that:

  1. Due to the glitches we are using right now, only the host is required to get to the last event of the map (Control Center). All other players need only to join the fights at the end of the maps. This kinda destroys the purpose of a multiplayer run in my opinion. Respawning as a means of teleporting back to the host is still fine for me thought.
  2. The game changes "difficulty" (or rather the enemy spawns) dynamically every time a player joins/leaves the game. I already saw people rejoining in the middle of a fight in 2P runs before, which really destroys the purpose of a multiplayer run. On top of that, you could exploit it in order to gain more experience as well since your character level/exp will be calculated by all other players at joining.

As mentioned in my other thread, my autosplit script currently doesn't support the split at the bomb cutszene. It's incredibly hard to find the right value in order to add such a feature into my script. So my suggestion would be to change the way we stop the timing with the next patch. The next patch will probably kill many/some of our current glitches and thus many/all speedruns might become outdated. I would take that opportunity to move the timer stopping to the end of the level instead. After the final scoreboard was shown and the game goes back to the lobby. I could easily change my script to work this way. I also plan to add a gametime function, so the timer will stop during loading times.


I am not sure if you now are in favor of a "no reconnect" rule for multiplayer or not...

About the times: I do prefer to stop the time at the end of the leve, since I then can fully rely on my autosplit script. But it's fine either way since it's only one manual split anyway. Thought I do recommend to move the individual scripts to the loading screens instead. Unfortunately my autosplit script is still a bit inaccurate since it splits somewhere during the loading instead of the beginning. But I gues that's just a minor issue. Anyway, regarding the last split timing, I would like to hear some more opinions.

SpeedrunsSin 喜欢这个
Okinawa, Japan

I think, If players were to use the Auto spliter, times would be more accurate, and precise. I rather have Have things be more precise rather then players accidentally hitting the timer early or forgetting to split.

Players in co-op runs should not be allowed to leave and rejoin, it ruins the purpose of the run and changes difficulty which I think is something major, and should not be allowed.

Okinawa, Japan

Reconnects changes difficulty though, and just doesn't feel like your really playing co-op or putting truely any strategy into the game. Also, I this is the only game I use auto spliter for because the Start is Almost near instant and Switching between controllers makes things difficult and possibely lose time and Peoples splits are less accurate when they are not using Auto Spliter. And some time there is panic cause of a really good pace and they will some times split a 1sec early. And it throwing the splits off from everyone else.

Also do you speedrun this game?


So this thing about the difficulty changing, I'm pretty sure we tested on the very first patch and it didn't actually make the difficulty change when you left, only when you joined. That was something that I'm pretty sure was added in the second patch, hence why me and Dread initially used it in our original runs which then people just kept using. I could be wrong and we might have tested it wrong. It's been a while since I played since my game is actually broken right now and wont start right.

As for Glitchless yea sure we should have categories for that, honestly you could have just contacted me or Dread and we would have added that.

As for the autosplitter, you can time how long it takes from bomb cutscene start to when you time would finish and if it's the same time every time you can just use your autosplitter then subtract that time for an accuracte bomb cutscene, that said if in the next patch there is stuff after the bomb cutscene then we need to find a new place entirely to split.

Also sorry for not seeing this sooner, speedrun didn't notify me there was a thread like it's supposed too, thanks for giving me the heads up Token. But yea like I said with Glitchless, you can always just contact me or Dread directly for that stuff.

I'm waiting to see if this new patch fixes my game if it does I'll be doing more runs again lol.

I'll go set up glitchless categories now. It's too bad we can't make sub sub categories lol.

Edit: We also put in a variable for quits in multiplayer runs a while ago so you can still see who's fastest with or without, essentially making new categories without cluttering the leaderboards and the rest of the categories.

Edit Edit: Also if someone splits a second early that doesn't really matter since you should have a vod anyways and you can just re-time it.

Okinawa, Japan

What do you think about All Artifact runs. I was talking to some people about that on the RWBY: GE Discussions, and a few said that it would be interesting and would be like a 100% category for the game.

Tennessee, USA

We don't want to add categories without any runs done, but if you or anyone else does a run of any category let us know and I'll put it in.


Honestly we don't need a ton of unused categories since they're all going to become irrelevant in new patches anyways, we may as well only have the categories that are actually being ran for now. Just because somethings not on the LB's though doesn't mean you can't run it. And that's how you get it on the leaderboards.

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