发布于 1 year ago

Hello there! Another year has passed and similar to last year, I am taking the opportunity to sum up what happened in this game's community.

Leaderboard Changes

Another year, another leaderboard change. We were always accepting DS runs, but until this year none got submitted. Since the DS version is pretty similar to the GBA version, but just slower due to flight sections, we decided to split DS and GBA records. One could have removed the flight sections to get a comparable timing, but this wouldn't encourage players to perform well in said sections. Also, load times could differ and there are small changes between versions here and there (a list of differences can be found at the bottom of this page). Now, each platform has it on tab. To further reflect these changes, the DS identifier has been added to the game's title. Please note that the Any% category is exclusive to the GBA since the warp glitch is not possible in the DS version.


A total of 35 runs by 6 players have been added this year, with many new records in between. As a small recognition, here is a list of every player that was able to call themselves a record holder at some point this year. All the record holder superseding took place in the All Levels: Anakin category this year.

All Levels: Anakin (GBA)

  • StarFalco64
  • ManofmanyChins
  • moonyohz (lasted less than a day)
  • Superposition (lasting since Aug 28)

All Levels: Anakin (DS)

  • iamsnake (lasting since Jun 28)


At the beginning of this year, I published my last iteration of the Any% TAS that finally broke the 10-minute barrier! It clocks in at 9:59.774 with the timing used on the leaderboards. It improves the previous TAS by about 6.5 seconds. Also, it got submitted and published on the TASVideos website. A writeup about the route can be found here and I hope it can act as a guide for the Any% route.

Other media

Thanks to StarFalco64, we got an accurate comparison of the different language timings that can be found here. As previously only assumed, now we know for sure that Italian is for sure the fastest language in the All levels: Obi-Wan category.

This concludes the year and there is nothing more to say except Happy New Year!

发布于 2 years ago

Hello there, some of you may have noticed a few changes that recently have been made to the leaderboards. In the following, I will describe them and the reasoning behind them. And since it is the end of the year I will use the opportunity to sum up what happened to the game this year as well.

Leaderboard Changes

The categories have been renamed and resorted. Previously, there were two categories: Any% Obi-Wan and Any% Anakin. A bug that allows skipping large parts of the game has led to a large split in the Any% Anakin times. To not belittle the efforts to play all levels with Anakin (and to encourage it), these runs have been separated. The categories changes read

Any% Obi-Wan ---> All Levels - Obi-Wan (Old) Any% Anakin ---> All Levels - Anakin (New) Any% Anakin ---> Any%

The rules have been specified as well. The All Levels category requires playing all levels with one character. Changing the character to skip levels is NOT allowed. The new Any% category allows skipping levels.

The leaderboards have been updated to reflect these changes. Hopefully, no one got spammed with messages.

Site Changes

Over the course of the year, the site has been updated. This includes a new design using recreated artwork of the game. Small changes have been made as well, e.g., the addition to the Star Wars series, a slight name change, a new URL, updated information and rules, and more.

While changing the leaderboard categories the newly added Region option has been added to recent runs.

Earlier this year the timing rule has been clarified and some runs got updated. A forum post has been made since the old site had no News tab.


While the game is still very small/niche a few new names can be seen on the leaderboards. I have become the new Super Moderator at the beginning of this year, superseding timesink. A few days ago I have added a new Moderator as well. A warm welcome to StarFalco64 who also had the idea for the current leaderboard changes.


A personal concern are Tool-Assisted speedruns. I have created a TAS for the current Any% route. The first iteration has beaten the game in 10:19, an optimized version clocks in at 10:06, and the current (unreleased) one beats the game in 10:04. Many small tricks have been found along the way. Maybe we will see a sub-10 TAS one day. The fastest version can be found under the Resources tab.

This concludes the year and there is nothing more to say except Happy New Year!

Community Recap 2022

Hello there! Another year has passed and similar to last year, I am taking the opportunity to sum up what happened in this game's community.

Another year, another leaderboard change. We were always accepting DS runs, but until this year none got submitted. Since the DS

1 year ago
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