Patch Categories
Patch Categories
发布于 1 year ago

Motivated by a recent forum post and then a discussion in the speedrunning discord server, we've decided to split Any% by game version. This change is currently uncertain, the categories may get changed or reduced to variables (similar to how characters now are) in the future.

All existing runs are assumed to be 1.0. Though there have been a few runs submitted on later patches, it is too much manual labour for the moderation team to go through them all and edit. If you have a current patch run on the 1.0 board, feel free to edit it and it will be re-verified accordingly.

At the time of writing is the most recent patch and will be the only patch verified, however any older runs with the new commencement map will be grandfathered in.

Vanilla runs in Gauntlet

Seeing as most everyone was for this change, the Gauntlet category will now accept runs performed on an unmodded version of the game. Using the mods is still allowed, with the Fogbound Lagoon stage now being optional - allowed, but not required.

Vanilla runs still submit their IGT from the results

1 year ago
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发布于 1 year ago
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