发布于 2 years ago

@Steakshake made a tool that lets Rodney save and load coordinates and fly around. It's now possible to find certain bugs in the collision with this and maybe find tricks that we haven't discovered before.

发布于 2 years ago

After many years looping around the same level, this discovery made an end to this today!

The levels ending objective is in the room next to the starting area. @Lance who originally found a collision error in the beginning of the level, just past the first door.

We thought it to not be THAT useful but after using the "Robots helper" tool, we found that under that area is collision. Basically the floor from the first area extending underneath the door.

By doing a pixel perfect jump you can fall through the floor. Once under the map you have to time a perfect double jump and this will result in you standin on that extended peace of collision.

This makes it we can run semi OOB and run around the wall that prevented us from entering that final section where the end objective is.

@Steakshake was the first person who found the correct coordinates and executed the skip.

Video link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JyQXZTedRHq1Ggs3_Uc0D6OTLImrQV4R/view?usp=sharing

发布于 3 years ago

The €200 bounty for Robots 2005 SPEEDRUN has started.

This is about finding a skip for the bridge at the start of level 2 (city journey) for the game Robots from 2005. Both Pc or any console version is accepted.

200€ will be handed to the person who can show video proof and provide an explanation on how it is done. The bounty can be split if multiple people where involved into the lead of the skip ? (can be discussed)

发布于 3 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago
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发布于 4 years ago
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