Update 1
2 years ago
United States

When the first update releases, what will happen to the leaderboard, as the WR will be almost unbeatable with all the new possible time loss.

United States

The leaderboards will be reset most likely, and there will be a Floor 1 and Floor 2 seperation with the same categories as always. Category Extensions will obviously change with the new monsters, etc; (probably, just wait for a mod to confirm or something.)

编辑者 作者 2 years ago

There's most likely gonna be variables / splits for each version of the game. Eitherway they probably won't be held on the same leaderboards.

R3_Ace, Bellajupiter27 2 其他 喜欢这个
United States

Ah ok that makes sense

United States

bru that reset gonna get someone an ez wr

doors newsletter #1 - humble days

Welcome to the first article of a newly created project for the community; a nice and compact article that will come out bi-weekly(most of the times) to inform those who aren't active 24/7 in the community about game news, discoveries, movements on the leaderboards and much more.

(notable) worl
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