key rooms. im sort of decent at library but key rooms i lose the most time on key rooms because i just get unlucky with them.
I might not have a run, but it's unofficial. We honestly could've done library better since somebody died in it, delaying us. As well as the fact that I was the only 1 left standing after it. :stare: (Well, that was around door 80.)
u wanna have a good 1st half but if its bad don't restart because you can easily clutchup 2nd half. A tip for library is that you don't only have to crouch if you are doing so. Figure can't detect you if you are behind something like a bookshelf(crouching still is very important) remember to look for how to do strats like dehz tac, item manipulation and safe rooms. You can also dm me on discord(arth <3#0988) for any further questions @Rzzor
Genuinely, the best place you can save time in is Library. Other parts of the run could be getting more comfortable of how far to risk / when to risk, when to use items, save time by cutting corners, getting used to room layouts, all that sort of stuff, but Library is a place you can guarantee some time save.
@smuchi I know that I don't have to crouch the entire time and how to use item manipulation, it's just that I wait for figure to come down from the upstairs, and sometimes I miss a book. I don't know what "dehz tac" is though, so that might help
Yeah I’ve been working on my library more than anything cause you can save a lot of time. I had a 6:18 exit on solo shop yesterday but died on a rush trust. So yeah that was annoying
I'm late, but sometimes I'll make really stupid mistakes in library, I had a 1:20 or so library, but I couldn't find a book that was right in front of me, losing 20 seconds. That mistake along with me missing expert technician cost me a sub 15. (the run I'm talking about isn't verified yet)
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(notable) worl