发布于 1 year ago

Okay so a lot of people get confused about this and I want to clear everything up, first of all, all runs including badge and robbery runs must start at the prison door. Escaping prison is a part of all the runs. I wasn't the one who decided that, it was a former mod from a long time ago and it would be difficult for me to change that now. Also the prison door does not mean your cell block door, it's a door you have to cross to start any runs from the main room (if you're confused about what door that is look at any verified Legacy 1 or Legacy 1 Remake runs). Also in case you're wondering, yes it is fine to cross the door back the other way afterwards if your escape route involves going behind it as long as you cross the door from the cell room side first.

Second, you can't have any items before crossing that door, you can get any items that don't cost robux or are not from other players as long as it is after you cross the gate and is during your run, (if players get in you way you can kill them, but they can't be any help to you all for any reason, you can pick up their stuff if you never use it in the run). We've rejected too many runs for that reason, so that's why.

Anyways, that it have a nice day.

发布于 2 years ago

Hello everyone, I added my friend @BattleOoze15 to the mod team due to large amount of runs in verification since @zir0nic left the mod team. Me, @BattleOoze15 and @oNoobs will get to verifying all your runs as soon as we can, sorry for the long wait. I might add more moderators later, I'll check back here later if I have any new updates.
