Hey all! Some of you might of tried to find your runs on the different tabs, and you might of noticed your runs missing. Not to worry, I just moved around a few runs that are done with the dungeon + gear, example-(some of you might of done nightmare of a dungeon with gears above that, I just moved them to the Nightmare+ tabs(you can find them by pressing Misc.). Please let me know if you need any assistance with your runs not appearing or if I made a mistake anywhere, thanks!
I've seen that all of the runs from yesterday weren't moved to the correct locations. I have done a quick check and that all the runs should now be accurate located for the difficulty% and + categories. Let me know or one of the mods if you have any concerns about if anything was missed. Thank you, and I'll be posting my update regarding difficulties and a few new rules set for next week.
Please refer to the post here for this link:
This post will be updated if necessary.