This thing is going to stay here for a long time
Recording glitch spoted at STRONG COFFEE (after landing from the customization screen), it consumes around 4 SECONDS
Loading times:
PIRATE 14.467s | 29.733s IMP 14.800s | 29.467s HERO 13.900s | 29.633s PATIENT 14.700s | 30.033s FIZZ 1 16.100s | 29.900s FIZZ 3 14.800s | IRRELEVANT
Mod Note: Added +2.833 seconds because of Zomboss Needs You! cut and making the run having the final time of 51:16.533/55:14.066
50:59.734 + 6.833 = 51:06.567 LRT
55:07.200 + 6.833 = 55:14.033 RTA
Hello everyone! I came to warn you about the changes that have occurred these last few months in relation to the timing of the categories, as you may have noticed.
-> Why did we do this in the first place?
Well, recently, we had noticed that runs made on PC had faster loading screens than on c