发布于 1 year ago


After a weeks-long investigation, many of the top 3 times on the Piano Tiles 1 SRC page were incorrectly approved by Darrel, myself, and past moderators over the past couple of years. After 11/19/2020, we implemented a rule that all top 3 runs in any category required video proof, and since then we’ve mistakenly accepted many runs that did not meet this requirement.

Starting October 1st, we will be going through and deleting runs that were not eligible for verification due to not having video proof of the full run (including any runs of our own). Removing these runs will lead to the potential for some current top 3 times on the leaderboard not having video proof, even if they were submitted after 11/19/20. However, at the time of their submission, these runs were not top 3 on the leaderboard due to our errors in allowing invalid submissions, thus, these runs will not be removed as the runners submitted the required proof given the state of the leaderboard at that time.

While moderators are bound to make mistakes over the years, we’ve concluded that the rate of mistakes is simply too high. On behalf of the current and past moderators, we apologize for the mistakes, and will be more attentive to run requirements and submissions in the future. If you have any questions, please reach out to a moderator.

Thank you,


发布于 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

Recently, a game breaking glitch was found for the timed mode categories that allowed crazy times to be achieved with little work. This glitch entail pulling down the widget of your device from the top, which allows you to click the tiles without having time tracked, and doing this over and over again can get you insane times.

The mod team discussed it and we think this glitch should not be allowed in the main classic, zen, or relay categories period.

However, we know of a few other glitches like this, and we decided to create a new category extensions category that allows you to submit these crazy times over there, kinda like a meme category. We feel this is the best solution for this glitch.

Well that is all for now


发布于 2 years ago


For a while now, we have accepted runs that are clones that we have found suitable. However, we are starting to get more and more unsuitable clones for the leaderboards. After talking about it, we think we have came up with a good solution.

From now on if we reject your run for being an unsuitable, we will urge you to submit it to the series request thread and series mods will take a further look into the clone to see if it can stand as its own leaderboard. We think this is a good solution to the problem as it solves other problems we have had aswell.

Well that is all for now.


发布于 2 years ago

Good day Piano Tiles Runners,

Some rule changes have been put in affect today regarding the Change, Pro, 5x5, and 6x6 categories.

As of 6/1/2022, all runs under 4 seconds require video proof and times under 6 seconds but over 4 seconds require proof of some sorts times over 6 seconds do not require proof.

All old runs that break these rules have been rejected.

Well that’s all for now, happy running!


发布于 3 years ago

Hello Piano Tiles runners.

I have been debating this for a while now, and now since this game is starting to pick up steam again, i feel like it is the appropriate time to do this.

All the runs under 2 seconds for 25 Tiles and 5 seconds for 50 tiles that only had photo proof have been rejected.

I feel like this is the best call, as it makes it unfair to people who have to record their runs to be beaten immensely by runs that have hardly any progression.

All the other categories will stay the way they are, unless further discussion arrives about those aswell.

That is all for now.


Incorrectly Approved Runs


After a weeks-long investigation, many of the top 3 times on the Piano Tiles 1 SRC page were incorrectly approved by Darrel, myself, and past moderators over the past couple of years. After 11/19/2020, we implemented a rule that all top 3 runs in any category required video proof, and since

1 year ago
发布于 2 years ago
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