Codex Tech
7 months ago
United Kingdom

What actually is "codex tech". I've had several runs where I fat finger the "c" button after pause buffering while trying to get back to the "d" button to get out of a room. I'm obviously going to rebind the codex to the other side of the keyboard but I'm unsure as to what it actually is.

United States
She/Her, They/Them
7 months ago

Codex tech is a Hades 1 era term for it, but when the Book of Shadows or Inventory is opened the game doesn't actually pause. This means that, say, door unlocks, god encounters, or most critically player movement can continue to happen while the in game timer is paused. If you're in the discord, this post is a good example of it in this game:

In addition, an (old, mostly patched) example of the extremes of what was possible with this in Hades 1:

(Note for anyone reading who is not already aware: use of the codex when the in game timer is not already paused is banned in both games)

Edited by the author 7 months ago
United Kingdom

That seems like a massive oversight by the devs. Kind of annoying to lose a run over it but you only get burned once right. I could think of more "fair" penalties for obvious accidental use however I agree that the amount of time it would require to properly arbitrate is far to excessive and a blanket ban is the best answer.

For a related but not equivalent question. Aside from the extremes how is this any different from pause buffering at the end of rooms using the "esc" key, they seem highly analogues.

United States
She/Her, They/Them
7 months ago

Pause buffering at the end of rooms means that the full door unlock time happens, while codex at the end of the room means that the in game timer is paused while the doors unlock if you open it fast enough.

United Kingdom

Pause buffering at the end of rooms means that the full door unlock time happens, while codex at the end of the room means that the in game timer is paused while the doors unlock if you open it fast enough.

There's a similar thing you can do with resource gathering which I have been using, when you collect a resource it pauses the in game timer but the doors will still unlock.

  • EDIT: Specifically it works best with the flowers, such as the lotus (normally about a second), which appear but it does also function with the chaos droplets (about a tenth to a quarter of a second) and other gatherables.

Is this allowed?

Edited by the author 7 months ago
United States
She/Her, They/Them
7 months ago

This is allowed yes, the rules issue is specifically with codex tech.

United Kingdom

Thank you. If you want to lock this thread that's cool.

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