Hello everyone,
Can we have a category of running with none glitch ? I saw this category on other game (like outlast glitchless). I ask this because the section of garden with jumping on the crow is hard and it is a glitch in itslef, thanks by advance and have a good run ! :)
Hello Toca, ok so it is not a glitch so but can we have a category glitchless ? (Like on Outlast for example)
And my second question, do you have a tutorial for the jumping crow ? I tried it for hours and hours and i don't find the precise move to do
We already have the No Major Glitches category for this game which is the equivalent of Glitchless in other games.
As for the trick with the bird, I would recommend joining our Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/0Ss0agDWPoiSvr3E and asking about it there, as more runners are likely to see your question and it will be easier to have a back-and-forth convesation there.