1.) Setup Livesplit: http://livesplit.github.io/downloads/
2.) Right click anywhere in Livesplit and choose Open Splits -> From File...
3.) Open one of the splits files found in the Resources tab of this site (for the lazy: click)
4.) Right click anywhere in Livesplit and choose Edit Splits
5.) Underneath the Attemps box ensure that the Activate button is clicked.
6.) Enjoy. The script auto-starts, auto-splits, and auto-detects category based on your splits file.
Side Notes: The name of each split is unimportant. If making your own splits, you need to ensure you have the number of splits the script is expecting, and that the category and subcategory (found under the 'Additional Info' tab) are set correctly. If you discover a bug please notify me (samabam) on Discord so we can fix it.