New category proposals
5 years ago

Hello everyone. We are open for any proposals in regards to adding new categories to our Gen 7 category extensions leaderboards.

Please post these requests below this post.

Some of the rules before requesting a new category:

  • You must have completed at least one run of the proposed category.
  • The goal and the restrictions should not be too arbitrary. The goal of the category should have some appeal in a casual sense of the game or just be a common meme.

Please also request Alt Main Pokes requests here if you have completed a run of this.

Please specify the ruleset that is used for your category precisely, in order for us to be able to copy them over easily.

Should you have any question, join the Pokémon Speedrunning Discord and discuss it in the channel for this generation.

编辑者 作者 5 years ago
United States

Hello all,

This is my first category proposal so be gentle. My proposed run is a Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee Catch a Shiny Pokemon Speedrun. Rules: 1. Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu or Pokemon Let's Go Eevee must be played on console, no emulators or modified consoles/game files allowed. 2. Run must begin on a fresh file, by selecting begin game after selecting a language 3. No trading in pokemon from other games or files, no use of online trading with other players or transferring pokemon in via Pokemon Home, Pokemon Bank or Pokemon Go. 4. No Shiny Charm (as it is impossible to obtain without completing the Pokedex and trading from the opposing game). 5.Time is RTA and begins when you select Begin Game and ends on the first frame showing that the pokemon you captured has the shiny star (catch combo screen). 6. All other in-game methods of increasing shiny odds are fair game (i.e. catch combos and lures) 7. Use of multiple controllers is not allowed. No 2 on 1 catching or battling. 8. No glitches or exploits (no mount skip). This is not an official category yet but id love to see it become one if people get interested in trying it too. I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this or try it. I became interested in creating this run after completing my Let's Go Shinydex and encountering a full odds shiny sentret in my Pokemon Silver Harcore Nuzlocke as my first wild pokemon encounter without even having access to poke balls yet. I think my overall strategy for this run is sound but naturally the run could be cut down by over 110 minutes by immediately encountering a full odds shiny after leaving the lab in Pallet town. I've never run Let's Go for any category before so I'm sure in addition to pure luck there is optimization that can be done for getting to the cascade badge as well. I realize shiny hunting in itself is very RNG heavy but let me know what you all think. Link to run->


United States
She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

Hey there, generally "catch a shiny" runs aren't really something we typically do, because like you said, it heavily involves "pure luck." You really could take one step out of Pallet Town and have a shiny spawn on top of you, effectively killing the category forever because how are you ever supposed to beat or recreate that without just doing resets for all eternity. I'd say this idea is best suited for off-leaderboard, just for fun type stuff. Thank you!

Woobou Pear 喜欢这个
Turbo Controller Rule Changes

Turbo is now allowed for all categories in the Let's Go and Sword/Shield category extensions leaderboards!

Turbo is a function that allows some 3rd party controllers to input repeated button presses by only holding the button down, i.e. holding down the A button would simulate repeatedly pressing

3 years ago
发布于 1 year ago
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发布于 2 years ago