Existing run for new IL category
3 years ago

I see that this board got added recently, which is cool. About a year ago, I created this video, which is a 100% run of the satellite version of the banana level (Level 5?):

I know that adding too many categories could cause category bloat, but perhaps just one level category, 100% Satellite could be added.

West Yorkshire, England

It obviously works as a level 5 run - I am unsure what the "Satelite Version" you are referring to, is it just the skin you are referring to?

If so then I would say the skin does not give an advantage and this can be submitted into the level 5 run as is.

The "satellite" version is a smaller version of the normal level (the world that you are playing on). It is unlocked after getting 100% on the respective normal level. Because it is smaller, it would give an unfair advantage when compared to the larger level.

I haven't actually played the game in a year, so maybe they removed that feature entirely? I might check later today.

North Dakota, USA

They still have satellite maps

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