2 years ago
Queensland, Australia

Beat Every Map that is included with installing the game. any mod is allowed except auto. if you have added more maps to the install then the ones included by defualt. they do not need to be played. thats it. ill post a run when i can

Queensland, Australia

since the timing rules seem unclear. i would choose to start timing starting the first map out of the 89 included (hate the number 89) and timing would end upon the ranking screen of the 89th map appearing. does not matter what order you play all of them in.

Uusimaa, Finland

when u install osu now it downloads random featured artist songs instead of the og pre installed ones, but would be cool to have a category with the og pre installed songs. will think abt it!

Uusimaa, Finland

pretty sure there are a lot less than 89 maps pre installed, did u include every difficulty? the run would be way too long if u play all diffs

Medals count speedrunning

Greetings, dear osu! speedrunners! Today I'd like to tell you about an interesting idea we recently had, medals count speedrunning! The idea of this category is to get specific medals count as fast as you can! But you will ask me: *"Hey, but how is it possible? We can't use multi-accounts in

2 years ago
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